Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Levi Johnston Twitter News Source

Once again, Levi Johnston is my news source via Twitter. The first time Levi was a news source was when I learned from him, via Twitter, that the Balloon Boy had been found.

And now I have learned from Levi, and confirmed elsewhere, that authorities now believe the Balloon Boy saga was an elaborate plot hatched by the fevered imagination of the kooky-banana father of Falcon, Richard Heene, to somehow better market his family for a reality show.

Apparently the Heene's, Richard and Mayumi, pitched a show that would have had stunts and hoaxes as its hook.

No charges have been filed yet. But the Larimer County Sheriff's office is going with charges of conspiracy, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, false reporting to authorities and attempting to influence a public servant.

The notorious Heene's Gang could face up to 6 years in prison and a half million dollar fine.

It has been determined, how I do not know, that all three of the Heene's boys knew of the balloon hoax. They won't be charged, because, well, they are little boys.

Now, to me, I'm thinking, was any great harm actually done? The Flying Saucer Balloon Boy Saga made for some really good TV. It's not like the Heene's Gang was killing trees and horses or robbing people of their homes to build a football stadium. I'm thinking, until the gas drillers, here in Texas, face some jail time for poisoning people, animals and trees and Jerry Jones does some hard time, with big fines, for somehow gaming the system to allow him to abuse the proper use of eminent domain in order to steal people's home, businesses and peace of mind, so he could build a silly looking football stadium, well, I think throwing the law at the Heene's Gang really is not a thing that makes a lot of sense to me.

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