Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lulu & Durango Back In As The WWWeb Turns???

You are looking at the entry page of the first website I was ever involved with. "As the WWWeb Turns..."

I thought it was "Lulu & Durango in As the WWWeb Turns" but I obviously am remembering wrong. I also didn't remember it saying "a soap"

But, this took place over 14 years ago, in 1995, so I guess it is understandable my memory is a bit tainted.

"As the WWWeb Turns..." was picked as a Cool Site of the Day. Back when being Cool Site of the Day was a really cool thing to be.

Lulu's husband at the time, let's call him Geff, well, unbeknownst to me, he took email exchanges between myself and Lulu and turned them into a website. He added a lot of links and photos, which he often gruesomely altered. Giving me an over-sized forehead, for instance.

I believe there were only 4 editions of As the WWWeb Turns. I spewed out a lot of email. Lulu had trouble keeping up. And Geff seemed to be lollygagging regarding updating this phenomenal website. At the time I did not realize Geff was making the webpages the old-fashioned way, via editing it all in HTML with no web editor. Geff is a really bright guy with an extremely good eye for detail, hence the ability to create a webpage by typing in HTML code.

One day I got a call telling me to come down to Gig Harbor, where Geff and Lulu lived at the time. I did as told. When Geff got home I was shown a graphic and some primitive HTML for a website Geff had made for me called "Dialing Doctor Durango." Basically Geff was wisely putting the website making ball in my court.

I knew there was no way my disorderly mind was going to master HTML. I quickly found a web editor called Hot Dog that made making a webpage somewhat easy. Within a month I'd uploaded Dialing Doctor Durango to a server in Seattle called Wolfenet.

Dialing Doctor Durango started off with me answering faked questions. Then it got picked as Funky Site of the Day. Not quite a Cool Site of the Day level of coolness, but it caused me a lot of incoming email questions.

After about a year I'd grown tired of Doctor Durango due to way too many people asking way too many serious questions because they thought I was a real doctor.

I changed the website to "The Durango Files" and made Dialing Doctor Durango a part of the new website and made it obvious I was not a real doctor.

The Durango Files survived the first year, or so, of Texas and then I let it go, got a new domain, and soon forgot about my doctor years.

Til today when I got an email from Lulu. My one longtime reader may remember the trauma I went through in August of 2008, up in Tacoma, when Lulu turned on me, for no reason apparent to me. It took me months to get over it. Eventually I did and the incident faded in to memory. Today's email from Lulu directed me to her blog. I'd not read Lulu's blog for awhile. I did not get what I was supposed to see, at first. I read down through a long questionaire thing, in which one of the questions had Lulu saying she missed someone. Was this what I was supposed to see, I wondered?

And then I saw the next post. It was all about As the WWWeb Turns. Lulu suggested that since we no longer speak, maybe we could do email and revive the long dead online soap opera. Now, to discerning eyes, if one were to have been reading both our blogs over the past year or so, there has been somewhat of a revival of an online soap opera, though far more complex and convoluted than As the WWWeb Turns ever was.

I've no idea what Lulu has in mind. I rarely do.

Stayed tuned, I've no idea where this show is going....

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