Thursday, October 1, 2009

Layla Not Too Happy Taking DART Green Line To The State Fair Of Texas

Yesterday Layla listened to my apparently bad advice and took the DART Green Line to the State Fair of Texas. She seems to have misunderstood what I suggested she do, because she drove herself and her entourage to Dallas, to the American Airline Center.

Driving a long distance to get on mass transportation seems sort of counter intuitive, sort of like when I drive a long distance to go on a bike ride or a hike.

Layla had trouble finding a place to park by the American Airlines Center. Eventually a place was found to park the car. There are free parking lots near a lot of the DART stations, like Mockingbird. But, apparently Layla didn't know that.

Since she lives in the Fort Worth zone, what I'd actually suggested was that Layla put her group on the TRE, as in Trinity Rail Express, from Fort Worth to Dallas, then get on the DART train to take the Green Line to the fair.

Layla also had trouble getting a ticket on DART. Two of the four ticket machines were in malfunction mode. The ones that worked did not like Layla's $20 bill. The machines don't take credit cards.

When they finally made it on a train they waited and waited and waited for it take off. When the train eventually took off there were not very many people on board. So much for DART saying Green Line trains would be taking off every 15 minutes.

Layla claims it took an hour to get from the American Airlines Center to the Fair Park Station at the State Fair of Texas, with many stops on the way. Next time she says she will skip taking the train and park at the fair, saving, she thinks, time and money.

Even though Layla had a bad experience, somewhat self-inflicted in my opinion, I am going to take the TRE and DART when I go to the State Fair of Texas.


  1. There's no way it took an hour to get from Victory to Fair Park on the Green Line. That trip takes 17 minutes or so, tops.

  2. I thought Layla's hour claim did not sound right. It not all that long a distance between Victory & Fair Park. 17 minutes sounds more reasonable to me.
