Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kieran the Scottish American Quivering About Quiver

I'm feeling totally socked in the gut, this morning, with no blogging fodder coming to me. And then I saw Kieran the Scotsman had Twittered about his Quiver website Googling at #14. Since a quiver has something to do with an arrow, or is an arrow, there is a lot of quiver info to compete with, search-wise.

Kieran's Quiver is an insulated device that you slip a bottle into that you want to keep either cold or warm. The video above makes it clear what Quiver is.

A couple days ago I blogged about Alexa Rankings being like Nielsen Ratings for websites. In that blogging I mentioned that Gar the Texan's blog has the lowest Alexa Rankings I've seen.

So, I wondered how Kieran's Quiver blog did Alexa Ranking-wise. Well, it does pretty good. Quiver's American ranking is 989,668. Quiver's Worldwide ranking is 5,316,883. I don't know why Kieran's Quiver blog is ranked as an American blog. Did we acquire Scotland as a territory and I was not informed?

I don't know if Kieran's Quivers are available yet, or if they are in the being produced stage. I know a Kieran trip to Santa Barbara, California has something to do with making Quiver. I also read something about the Scottish government not cooperating with the Quiver enterprise.

Maybe, since Scotland is now part of America, Kieran and Quiver can get ahold of some American stimulus money.

1 comment:

  1. Morning Mr Jones,

    I'll need to check out Alexa rankings - sounds interesting.

    Glad you liked the video.

    I think the blog is ranked as American because it is a .com domain. you guys don't have country specific domains like so all .com's are assumed to be American. Unfortunately it was England that acquired us as a territory - but it was over 300 years ago, so we're (nearly) over it.

    The Quiver AeroPoint.50 is being made in Santa Barbara and should be available just before christmas.

