Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hiking Up Mount Baker With My Favorite Ex-Sister-In-Law & Spencer Jack

I like all my brother's ex-wives. If I had to pick one as my favorite (this is safe to do because none of them read my blog) I'd have to pick Cindy as my favorite former sister-in-law.

Yesterday I blogged about missing this time of year in Washington because September and October are when the hiking gets good. Freezing temperatures have killed the bugs, the snow is melted in the high country, wild mountain blueberries are ripe for the picking.

That is Cindy on what is called the Railroad Grade. It is a glacier carved moraine on the south slope of the Mount Baker volcano. Mount Baker is behind Cindy. If she turned around she would see steam coming out of the volcano's fumarole.

I think the last time I hiked this particular hike was with Cindy's youngest, my nephew Joey. I long ago webpaged that hike up Mount Baker with Joey, along with other Mount Baker pictures.

It has been a few years since Joey and I went hiking. Joey is now an uncle with a nephew of his own, named Spencer Jack, thought by many to be the cutest kid on the planet.

When Spencer gets a bit older I'm guessing Joey is going to have fun taking him to some of the places I used to take Joey.

But, Joey, if you are reading this, don't take Spencer Jack up Sauk Mountain in a snowstorm. I am still haunted by that worst incident of me putting a nephew in danger while having fun.

Joey, if you are still reading this, Spencer is almost the age when I used to take you and your cousin, Christopher, to what you kids called the Bunny Park, in Anacortes, and you'd try to trap rabbits. Never successfully, but the rabbit traps you two came up with were very well done.

1 comment:

  1. Mount Baker needs snow! It don't look right with just dirt on that ridge...
