Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Dallas Cowboy Stadium Makes Too Much Noise

In this morning's Fort Worth Star-Telegram's Letters to the Editor there were 3 letters about the Dallas Cowboys, their new stadium and Jerry Jones.

I live about 6 miles from the stadium, apparently not close enough to hear it being noisy. But if you live 2 miles from away apparently the noise from the stadium can get you vibrating.

The first letter is about the stadium noise, the second letter is suggesting the Cowboys starting a new football league and the third letter writer thinks Jerry Jones should be ashamed. The third letter writer is from Bastrop. She must lived too far from Dallas to have learned that Jerry Jones is shameless.

And now the letters....

Too Noisy

I have lived in Arlington since 1981, and I am appalled and frustrated with what this city has become and allowed. It is no longer a community but simply a slot machine for a few pockets.

At 11:55 p.m. on Sunday, I was not able to sleep because of the ridiculously loud music coming from the stadium. I live two miles away and my house was vibrating — literally!

If this noise was coming from one of my neighbors or me, the police would be giving someone a large fine or taking them to jail.

I did not vote for the stadium, and it’s unfair that events like this are allowed to continue after 10 p.m. on any night. Most people have to be up before noon to go to work and make a living.

It’s bad enough that this occurs one night a week, but to allow these loud disturbances every night is infuriating.

I don’t get one penny in benefit from having the stadium here. All I ask is that I don’t have to leave town every weekend just to get a good night’s rest.

The Police Department is obviously unwilling or unable to control this noise disturbance. Somebody better!

— Sarah Lawrence, Arlington

A New Football League

Perhaps the Dallas Cowboys should consider creating a new football league. Just think of it: They could have the greatest stadium in the history of semipro football.

Gets my vote. Might even be able to afford a ticket and a soda.

— Roger Latham, Fort Worth

Jerry Jones Should Be Ashamed

My daughter is a TCU graduate, Class of 1999. I was very surprised to learn that Texas A&M and Arkansas were playing each other at Jerry Jones’ stadium on Saturday night, the same night that TCU and SMU played in Fort Worth. I realize that these two teams get very little respect in Texas, but TCU does fare better in the national opinion and is ranked No. 10 or 11 in the nation depending on which poll you read.

Jones should be ashamed for making his stadium available to outside teams Saturday, thereby taking away money that could have gone to TCU and SMU at their stadiums. It is obvious to me that Jones cares very little about the home teams, as lining his pocket is his biggest concern.

— Marian Morris, Bastrop

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