Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Blue Sky Of Texas Does Not Fit My Blue Mood

Not a good day in Durango World. My website got hacked again. This time only 2 pages, but Google flagged every page with their dire warning that "This website may harm your computer."

I learned I had a problem a little after 6 this morning. I called tech support. Calling tech support you get Americans, not the Ukrainians you get if you use the online tech support. I got Jen.

Jen told me I'd get a call back in an hour or so and that the problem was being handed off to their best tech guy. I did not hear back in an hour. I called again. This time I got Robert. Robert knew Jen. Robert checked on why I'd not been called back. After 5 minutes of listening to awful music Robert told me the process was taking longer because the best tech guy was being real thorough. Robert told me Jen would call me back when it was all done.

Two hours later Jen called. Told me everything should be fine now. And that the ftp.deny and ftp.allow files had not been correctly set. I told Jen I get told this after each incident.

After lunch I found that FTP does not work. Trying to connect generates a "denied by access rules" message. So, I called again. This time Dave answered. Dave knows Jen. I asked to speak to Jen. Dave put me on hold and came off hold to tell me Jen was on a break but would call me as soon as she got back. That was about 10 minutes ago.

Just got a call from Jen. FTP is now fixed.

After my first talk with Jen, this morning, I was so aggravated I was hoping a dip in a very cold pool would be salubrious. It wasn't. I had the phone sitting beside the pool, waiting for that call that came hours later.

Around noon I had to get out of here. Went to close by Quanah Parker Park for a walk. That's the Quanah Parker Trail, well, actually, the paved trail that leads out of the park, I don't know if it is in the park, but wherever it was it had a lot of water on the trail.

And yes, today was the final straw. Despite it being a major, BIG pain, I'm moving my websites to another host. After I'm successfully divorced from my current host marriage I will blog the bloody details and name names.

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