Friday, October 30, 2009

Another Rainy Day & Night In A Rainy Month In Texas

I think it's rained all night long on my location in North Texas. I've said more than once, of late, that October in Texas is being like a stereotypical Pacific Northwest winter.

This morning's Dallas Morning News letters to the editor had an amusing letter on the weather subject....

Rain, rain, go away

It's been raining here all month long. My wife and I are thinking about moving to Seattle. We kinda miss its sunshine.

Marty Daneman, Plano

Plano is a town north of Dallas, slightly west of the Southfork Ranch of J.R. Ewing fame. Seattle is a town in Washington, known for the myth that it rains all the time there. Which really is only true in Fall, Winter and Spring. Summer is usually fairly dry.

If Marty moved from Plano to Seattle, today, he'd find it about 10 degrees warmer than our current 47. Some parts of the Puget Sound zone are getting dripped on, but currently Seattle is just being cloudy. Likely something wet will fall from the sky during the day there.

I heard yesterday, on the radio, I think, that all the reservoirs in North Texas are full. They have not been full for a few years. We've supposedly been experiencing a drought. But this is my first year in Texas where the greenery did not turn brown, for the most part, by August.

Due to it being in the 40s, raining and real wet out there, I decided to fore go my usual early morning trek to the swimming pool. I'm turning into a weather wimp.

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