Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Do Not Ship Saddles From Texas To The United Kingdom

Internet World can be such a strange place. As long as I've been connected via this means to the rest of the world I've gotten odd questions that come at me for no apparent reason that I can understand.

Like someone in Singapore named Wee Cheng asking me a lovelorn type question about her ex-boyfriend, Teck Seng, coming in from London, wanting to rekindle their dead relationship. I told Wee to go for it. Eventually Wee and Teck got married and reproduced. I got invited to the wedding. Wee Cheng quit speaking to me because George Bush had invaded one country too many for Wee's taste.

The weirdest question I ever got was a lady in the UK seeking medical advice about something to do with her uterus. I guess this was what I deserved for calling myself Dr. Durango and having a website called Dialing Doctor Durango.

But, Dialing Doctor Durango was obviously not serious and I obviously was not a real doctor. This was the period of time when I realized you can not go wrong overestimating how stupid the vast mass of humanity actually is. I have since slightly mitigated that view.

However, this week it happened again. An odd email, I mean. Once more it was from the UK. Some guy named David had been at my Eyes on Texas website. Somehow the fact that this website, in large part, has to do with Texas must have meant, to David, that I must sell horse products.

Below is David's email...

Good Day,

I Am David James and I will like to know if you do sell Any of the following products:
  • Saddles
  • Horse Float
  • Load Float
  • Horse Walker
If you do then, I will like to know some of the sizes and price range of those that you have in stock at the moment? As soon as you reply me with those information I will get back you to with the quantity that will like to order so that we can proceed from there.

For the payment, I will like to know if you so take major credit card as method of payment?

Thank you and do not forget to include your Name and Phone number when getting back to me.


Okay now. Well, I've pretty much given up replying to these type questions, politely explaining I have no horse stuff for sale. The majority of these type questions are in reference to the webpage I made about going to the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup. I have probably had 2 dozen inquiries over the years, asking for stuff like rattlesnake skin, venom and rattles. As recently as last week I got asked how much my rattlesnake skins cost. And oddly enough, this question also came from the UK. I think, maybe Darwinian selection had the top notch Brit brains moving to the colonies, leaving the UK with a big brain drain that evidenced itself in the subsequent generations.

Of course, I am going on very flimsy evidence to be making such a harsh conclusion.

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