Thursday, September 17, 2009

Getting Soaking Wet At Quanah Parker Park & Sneezing At Town Talk

Yesterday I showed you the view you see here, in a picture taken the same time of the day as it is right now. Today's same view, at the same time, is minus yesterday's return of blue sky. Or was it the day before yesterday that blue returned? Regardless, the gray has returned, today. With a vengeance. Dropping water in heavy doses.

For days, I have been unable to do my usual daily walking/hiking routine due to a variety of vexations, some weather related.

Today I decided, no matter what, I was going to get outside. My therapist, Dr. L.C. insisted upon it.

Due to time restraints I decided to go to Quanah Parker Park. It is a short distance away on Randol Mill Road. A couple miles further is Town Talk, which I also wanted to go to, to get cheese.

About 2 miles in to the walking at Quanah Parker it started to rain. A soft rain, at first. Then a downpour. Buy the time I got back to my vehicle I was a wet mess. Even so, I decided to continue on to Town Talk and get that cheese.

By the time I was in the Town Talk cooler I'd developed an itchy eyes problem, along with sneezing. I made it real quick in Town Talk, got my cheese, got out of there, got back here.

So, that's my Thursday, so far, of this hell I am living in Texas. I wish you could join me.

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