Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cowboy Durango Riding His Horse In Texas

A few days ago the Queen of Wink asked if there were any pictures with both me and her new Facebook friend, Big Ed, in it. I couldn't think of any. If I'm doing something picture worthy with Big Ed, it is I taking a picture, so I'm not in it.

If Big Ed and I are doing something with a group of people, that is picture worthy and someone else takes a picture, I usually do not get a copy.

I do remember a picture that had me in it, with both the Goober Twins, Big Ed and his even bigger twin, Wally. It was in Death Valley. I had a flat tire. Much drama erupted as the spare was installed by the Goober Twins. At the height of that drama a picture was taken. I was laughing, while the Goober Twins were in full Goober mode.

At the Queen's bidding I found another picture. Big Ed and me being cowboys. I was a reluctant cowboy. I do not see the attraction in sitting on one of those hot beasts. I've had incidents. The one you see me sitting on, in the picture, tried to kill me a few months later on the 4th of July.

The picture was taken by Bob Jones Park on Lake Grapevine. I don't mean the picture was taken by someone named Bob Jones Park. Bob Jones is the name of the park adjacent to Army Corps of Engineers land, which has a lot of hiking and horse trails, which is where we were riding.

What I was actually doing on these trails was riding my mountain bike, not a horse. The picture taker talked me into getting off my bike and on to her dangerous horse so she could take a picture.

The horse's name was Caution. Well-named. I should have taken it as a warning and never gotten on that beast again.


  1. Larry McMurtry, in Lonesome Dove (i think) named a horse the She Bitch. I'm thinking you and him have some similar experiences in common.

  2. Every horse I have ever been on (total 3) could have been aptly named She Bitch.
