Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Concerned Citizen In Arlington Fears Jerry Jones, The Dallas Cowboys & Arlington May Try To Steal Her Home

Over the past 4 or 5 years I've gotten a few messages from those directly affected by the abuse of eminent domain that was perpetrated in Arlington, with the city in cahoots with Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, to force thousands from their homes, destroying hundreds of homes and apartment buildings and businesses.

The City of Arlington, via Mayor Chuck Cluck, has said there will be no more use of eminent domain in Arlington for the Dallas Cowboys and their stadium. It took awhile, but those who helped Jones perpetrate this, well, crime, came to realize, to many observers, it gave Arlington a big black eye.

This morning I heard from a Concerned Arlington Citizen, worried that Jones has his sights on her husband's old family home and the land it sits on. I told the Concerned Citizen from Arlington that Arlington has said no more eminent domain use to get land for the Cowboys. I assume this to be true. I know that Jones has had to buy land for more parking lots the old-fashioned way, by negotiating a deal with the owners, rather than forcing them out via eminent domain.

I have seen the property that Jones is buying for more parking lots. You can see there are a couple holdouts, with most of the land razed, the holdouts stand out.

All those people remaining in that area used to live in a fairly quiet neighborhood. Now a gigantic, futuristic space ship, that looks totally out of place, has plopped down as an unwanted neighbor, making the residents nervous and feeling insecure in their homes.

The Concerned Citizen from Arlington feels Jones will get his due when he stands before God and hears "what you did to the least among you, you did unto me." And then shoves the man to hell.

Below is the message from the Concerned Citizen from Arlington (and Rome) Texas...

We have heard that Jones and his cowgirls want more land near the stadium for parking, even after buying out and bulldozing homes on Webb Street near the stadium, very recently. We live very close to the stadium about a block from it, in my husband's old home - the one he grew up in and of course don't want to see our old street turned into an ugly parking lot. However, if we have to move we will, but only for the right price for our home and land. Do you know if there are any more plans for the acquisition of more land for parking?

We hate the stadium and all that it represents - greed, selfishness, power and corruption. In my opinion Cluck, the chicken man, (you know, cluck cluck, it's what chickens do) should be in jail along with the rest of the Arlington City Council, and as for Jones, well he'll get his some day, either before or after he stands before GOD to be judged.

Concerned citizen, Arlington/ROME, Texas

1 comment:

  1. Tee hee...she called them Cowgirls! She's rather feisty...I hope she gets the price she wants.
