Friday, September 11, 2009

Bonnie & Blog For Fort Worth Hipsters

I did not know there were any Fort Worth hipsters til I got an email this morning informing me that there is a new blog in town, it being one for the hipsters in Fort Worth.

The email said that ever since West & Clear shut their Fort Worth blog down we in Fort Worth have been clamoring for a good Fort Worth blog.

I haven't noticed any clamoring, but, I haven't been looking for any clamoring, so there could have been some clamoring that I did not hear.

Like I did not know that there is going to be a HUGE protest march in downtown Fort Worth tomorrow, called, I think, 9/12. My therapist, Dr. L.C. kept asking me if I was going to be there on Saturday. I had no idea what she was talking about, but since that is often the case I didn't get around to asking what she was talking about til the 4th or 5th time she mentioned it.

I don't like going to a protest march. I always end up getting arrested. And, with this one being in Fort Worth, the Gestapo Storm Troopers will likely be out in full force, armed with tasers and whacking sticks to shock and whack anyone who dares to cross the Fort Worth Gestapo's very thin, feeble line.

Anyway, back to the new Fort Worth blog for Fort Worth hipsters. It is called Bonnie & Blog. It is written by a pair calling themselves Bonnie & Clyde. The real Bonnie & Clyde of bank robbing murder fame, stayed in Fort Worth at the Stockyards Hotel during a break from their crime spree.

I don't think I'm a hipster, so the hipness of the Bonnie & Blog blog was likely lost on me. It seems like a nice blog with a lot of information about Fort Worth, including the Hip Pocket Theater. The Hip Pocket Theater is likely full of Fort Worth hipsters.

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