Friday, August 14, 2009

Overcoming Melancholy By Getting Married & Having A Baby

Yesterday I mentioned I am reading a book the Queen of Wink sent me to make me melancholy, Ghost Riders: Travels On The Healing Road by Neil Peart.

Neil Peart is in a Canadian band named Rush. I remember the band name. I remember no Rush songs.

Neil Peart lost his daughter, Selena and wife, Jackie, within one year. That pushed him into deep mourning. To break out of his sadness he hit the road on his BMW motorcycle, biking over 55,000 miles. By the time his ride was over he was ready to rejoin Rush.

I've ridden with Mr. Peart as far as Vancouver Island now. Starting with 100 Mile House in British Columbia he has been riding on roads I am familiar with.

I was curious about the current moment status of Neil Peart. So, I Googled him. And Rush. Wikipedia has a long article about Rush, complete with song samples that would not play for me. There is also a long article about Neil Peart. Soon after he completed his motorbike journey, on September 9, 2000, Neil Peart married a photographer named Carrie Nuttall.

What a great last name. Nuttall.

In June of 2009 Peart announced the upcoming arrival of a baby. Sounds like he has overcome his melancholy.


  1. Must be nice to have plenty of dough and even though you look like a short order cook in an i-hop somewhere you can snap up a twenty year old bombshell and make babies...after all the appropriate paperwork has been signed, of course.

  2. Oh, ain't the money, honey...he has the words...Words, darlin', that's all it takes. ;)

  3. Hey TittyTwister: at the time of your comment, Neil's new wife was 47. Neil was 57. She's 50 now and he's 60. I guess that creepy old fart robbed the cradle, eh?

  4. great to find this old article about Mr peart and his journey to overcome. Its sad now that he has passed but shows the depth of his struggle and travels like the rest of us human beings

  5. Mr Peart has now passed on. Such a sad turn of events to be diagnosed brain Cancer after just retiring. Especially combined with what happened with his 1st family. Neil Peart's legacy will remain. He sowed a new mentality, that's closer to our heart!

  6. Just finished his first book, Ghost Rider. (Free audio on amazon) Lots of depressing times for him but so appreciate his inelegance and skill as a musician! Hope the next audio books are a little more upbeat. They're free too.
