Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ghost Riding Melancholy To Monument Valley Oblivion

Earlier today I blogged about the book that the Queen of Wink sent me to make me melancholy. Ghost Rider.

I am a non-observant himbo, with himbo being a word that the Queen of Wink is now claiming she did not use to describe me.

So, with me being a non-observant himbo, I had not paid attention to the cover of the Ghost Rider book, til this morning, when my melancholy state, apparently, made me more observant. It appears to be Monument Valley.

When I first saw Monument Valley, on the book's cover, I thought it was the same view I use as the logo on my Roadtripping Blog, that being a picture I took when I stopped driving and got out my Safari Van manual, because I thought the view I was looking at was the same as that on the cover of the manual.

And it was.

Regarding that melancholy thing. It was suggested to me that walking around on the Tandy Hills can cure that condition. And so I did so. And it did. Sort of.

But then I got freshly perplexed by that constantly perplexing Queen of Wink. She sent me a message asking me to apologize to someone named Lou Landry because he'd sent her an email which she had not seen til weeks later.

None of the Queen's message made any sense to me. And me with that newfound insecurity regarding being a himbo, well, it just made me melancholy again. I'd have a whisky filled chocolate, but those are all gone. Maybe an espresso filled chocolate would perk me up.

One of my local crime partners is off on a bit of an adventure today. I'll just say it is political intrigue. No more details than that, lest 1 and 1 get correctly added to make 2. If I've not heard from my local crime partner by 5, I'm supposed to send out some sort of search party to look for her. Starting along the banks of the Trinity River on the north end of downtown Fort Worth. It is about an hour and a half before I head downtown.

1 comment:

  1. The Queen would like to extend a public formal apology to Mr. Durango. He isn't a himbo. She thinks he is a very nice person and that FT Worth is lucky to have him. :) Also, I'm sure that if Mr. Durango found someone he'd like to hug, then a hug would ensue. Furthermore, the Queen also believes that the weaseling technique isn't really a fear of commitment, but enacted in order to not cause hurt feelings.
