Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Gators, Whitewater Rapids & Thinking About Hugging Aversion At Oakland Lake

I was up late, slept in late, well, til 6. Didn't feel like getting wet so I stayed out of the pool.

I got some good blogging fodder from one of my best Washington corespondents. I like getting good blogging fodder. Or any type of fodder for that matter.

Speaking of fodder, my therapist, Dr. L.C. wants me to go to a Hugging Aversion Therapy Meeting with her tonight. I am averse to any type of meeting, particularly when any type of hugging is involved.

We are under an Extreme Heat Advisory today and tomorrow. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with such advisories, so I decided to go on a walk at Oakland Lake Park and ponder what I should do about the heat.

One of the first things I saw upon arrival at Oakland Lake was what appeared to be an alligator slowly making its way northward in the middle of the lake. Other lake life, like the ducks, seemed to be avoiding whatever the partially submerged moving big thing was. You will need to click on the picture to see the possible gator.

Another odd thing. It has not rained in several days. Usually this means the creek, or ditch, or whatever it is that feeds water to Oakland Lake is pretty much dried up. But today, as I neared the creek/ditch I heard the sound of wild rapids.

When I saw the source of the sound I wondered where all this water was coming from. The whitewater rapids almost made me want to go home and get my inflatable kayak and do some rapid running. But the urge passed.

Tomorrow is my mom and dad's anniversary. I should remember to call. They got married on the same day Hiroshima got nuked. Not the same year, but the same day.

1 comment:

  1. There was a program on the NatGeo channel about salt water crocs and the crocs ability to migrate surprisingly quickly up the waterways along the coast of Africa. I suspect crocodiles and alligators are similar in this respect.
