Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dallas Cowboy Stadium Paul McCartney Concert

Unless I missed it there was absolutely no follow-up in either the Dallas Morning News or the Fort Worth Star-Telegram regarding the traffic situation during yesterday's first experience with events taking place at the same time at the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium and the Ballpark in Arlington.

My research assistant, L.C., reported this morning that the Dallas ABC affiliate, WFAA Channel 8 News, said Paul McCartney fans were kept waiting outside the stadium for 40 minutes, in the extreme heat, because the concert sound check was taking more time than expected. At least 10 line-waiting concert-goers were treated for heat exhaustion.

Both local newspapers gave rave reviews to the McCartney concert.

But, back to the sun stroking. I'd not thought about it before, but there is absolutely no shade outside that new stadium. Both ends of the stadium have plazas where people are expected to pay to be able to stand near the game, though not actually watching it. With no shade. What if it rains?

Methinks a quick solution to this lack of shade problem needs to be implemented. I like being out in the HEAT. But I can not stand standing in the HEAT. I have to keep moving. Waiting in a line in the HEAT would be something I would not long suffer. It's be as bad as being stuck on the tarmac in a plane for an hour. Or two.


  1. Ranger fans, concertgoers avoid traffic meltdown

    Getting in was easy.
    And getting out wasn't so bad either.

    Expected traffic jams in the Arlington entertainment district never materialized Wednesday and early Thursday, as fans had few problems getting in and out of dueling events at the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington and the new Cowboys Stadium.

    The Rangers, playing at home against the Twins -- and featuring the return of All-Star catcher Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez -- ended their game at 10:23 p.m., giving the 33,448 fans on hand a head start home.

    Traffic moved steadily as just down the street at Cowboys Stadium, Paul McCartney & Co. entertained an estimated 38,000 concertgoers with such classics as "Back in the U.S.S.R, Hey Jude" and "Day Tripper."

    By the time McCartney's show had ended about 11:40 p.m., the baseball fans had disappeared -- much like the Rangers' early 4-0 lead in the game they eventually lost 5-4.

    There were still plenty of vehicles left in the Rangers Ballpark parking lots an hour after the game, but those were mostly concertgoers who chose to spend $12 to park at the Ballpark rather than the $30 being charged at Cowboys Stadium.

    With Arlington police working the streets, traffic moved smoothly after the concert ended, with motorists using a variety of routes to exit the entertainment district. Examples: One motorist who left a parking lot near the stadium at 11:50 p.m. was westbound on Interstate 30 by 12:05 a.m. Another concertgoer was westbound on Division Street by midnight.

    Some were concerned that the simultaneous events -- the first time both venues had events starting within a half-hour of each other -- would create major traffic jams, especially during rush hour between 5 and 7 p.m.

    But because fans arrived plenty of time in advance, the perfect traffic storm never formed.

    Traffic forecasters are now looking toward Friday, when more than 70,000 people are expected to attend the Cowboys' first preseason game at the stadium, against the Tennessee Titans.

    Luckily, the Rangers will be on the road.

  2. Thanks, Anonymous. This was in the online version? I thought I scoured through that thoroughly. Obviously my scouring ability needs a tuneup.

  3. Your welcome. Knowing the wonderful startlegram they probably posted it after you made your entry.

  4. Getting out for some of us was a nightmare!

    My husband gave me two marvelous tickets with the condition that someone other than him accompany me.

    We planned to get a car to drive us but the stadium web site show incredibly convenient passenger drop off points so . . . my friend's husband drove us.

    Alas, he was denied admission to the stadium to pick us up. Apparently that part of the process fell through the cracks.

    Well after an hour wait, the police told us to walk several blocks up a dark street to Collins St. so her husband could wait until her husband circle by to pick us up.

    Finally, after a week of asking HOW will this be remedied my husband got the attention of the City Manager who got the attention of the stadium General Manager.

    The safety of guests isn't nearly as important as the height of the scoreboard.
