Sunday, August 9, 2009

Big New Balls By The Dallas Cowboy Stadium

Due to being near the Ballpark in Arlington, where a team called the Texas Rangers play baseball, the Wal-Mart Supercenter had a baseball theme to it. With big baseballs on the fences that surround the property. And on the Wal-Mart building.

I've made mention a time or two, on this very blog, that with the new Dallas Cowboy stadium being directly across the street, it would seem some footballs needed to be added.

Well, today I saw that footballs have been added. Quite a few of them. And the scoreboard inside the store has been modified for football. I think football season starts soon.

Judging by all the cars in the Cowboy Stadium parking lots, maybe football season started today.

Between all the road construction disruption on the I-30 freeway, building new bridges, new roads and I don't know what else, traffic is not an easy thing in the area around the new stadium. I don't think they did a very good job anticipating what was going to happen when a huge increase in cars hit that area.

I don't know how well Seattle handles football and baseball traffic, what with the 2 ballparks being even closer to each other than the 2 Arlington ballparks. In Arlington you also have Six Flags added to the mess. Last summer, when I was in Seattle, a Mariner game started in the early evening. I used the bus tunnel to get across town. The tunnel was packed with buses and the buses were packed with people. I assume some heading to the game.

Arlington has absolutely no mass transit system. Except for a quaint little trolley that runs around the Entertainment District. It seems like a DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) train would make sense, zipping people to the ballparks and Six Flags. The Dallas Cowboys built their stadium in Arlington, not Dallas, so why not run a Dallas DART line to Arlington and Tarrant County?

Ride with me in the Seattle Bus Tunnel, in the YouTube video below. It starts with a walk through Westlake Center, then escalatoring to the basement and the bus tunnel. It all looks very futuristic compared to what I see in these parts, except for that new Cowboy Stadium that looks like a giant spaceship has plopped down on an American slum.


  1. Took me a moment or three to figure out how I was apologizing nicely. Then I remembered the video and all the "I'm sorrys" I was doing.

  2. Being the second largest state of the nation, both territorrially and population-wise, Texas state need to be very high at each field of activity- like sports for example.

  3. Texaswatch, how about being high in the field of education? Did you know that according to the latest results of state testing, that the state as a whole failed miserably? I think if we paid a bit less attention to 'sports' then maybe we could be big in a different that truly matters. We have a generation of youth that aren't prepared for an economy minus manufacturing jobs, but hey...we gots the biggest and bestest stadium in the whole dang world! Yee Haw...
