Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Twittering & The Michael Jackson Memorial Service

The Michael Jackson Memorial was all over the TV during lunch. FOX News was my viewing choice. I find Shepard Smith to be amusing.

A few days ago I watched a fast police chase in Dallas during lunch via the point of view of a chasing helicopter. That chase was narrated by Shepard Smith.

Today, lunch started with a slow funeral procession, from the point of view of a slow moving helicopter, following the procession from a private service to a public one at Staple's Center, also narrated by Shepard Smith.

The memorial at Staple's Center was slow to start, and then, when it did start, it seemed to have hiccups. Quincy Jones read letters from Dianna Ross and Nelson Mandela. Then we went silent for quite some time. Then a choir sang a song about the coming of a king while Michael Jackson was delivered to the front of the stage in a shiny gold coffin.

Mariah Carey and some guy I didn't recognize sang "I'll Be There". I'm not a Mariah Carey fan.

Then Queen Lafitah, who I like, paid tribute and read a poem by Maya Angelou.

Then Lionel Richie started singing.

The memorial was to be, at least, 3 hours long. I have other things to do, so I hit the record button and proceeded to do other things, like Twittering about hitting the record button because I have other things to do. But, Twitter seems to be not working right now. I suspect its servers have melted down again due to too many people Twittering about Michael Jackson.


  1. I could see a resemblance between Debbie Rowe and Michael Jackson's daughter during her heartfelt speech about her daddy. Weirdly, for me, that was good to know with all the rumors flying around about M.J. not being the actual progenitor. Seeing the resemblance made me feel like it's likely he is their father. I was also thinking he messed up. Now he lays dead, soon to be in a grave while his children grow up without him. Poor Michael, died a selfish death.

  2. Okay, you have convinced me to watch what I have recorded. Will do so in a bit. People who have it all, and muck it up, usually with drugs, really annoy me. To muck up like that when you have kids, extra annoying. Selfish death nails it.

  3. I wouldn't wish that on you.

    click over to 05:55 to see the clip I was referring to.

  4. Watched it, I think, Twitter, sad little girl. Talking about her daddy. MJ.

  5. I was having breakfast this morning with my friend, Wendy...during the 30 minutes that it took us to dine...CBS re-aired Paris' heartbroken goodbye to her daddy...6 times. I hope there is someone who can truly take care of her.
