Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Swimming In Mysterious Women In Texas

Yesterday's Mystery Woman erupted into a full bore brouhaha by this morning. With the Mystery Woman now revealed, she begged me to once more shroud her in secrecy. Obliging sort that I am, that's what I did.

I've got me another Texas Mystery Woman threatening to drain my life force via hugging. Have I mentioned before my hugging aversion? I've always found the practice distasteful, particularly ever since it seemed to turn into some sort of fad a decade or more ago.

I really dislike Hug Demanders. Years ago, in Washington, I knew this nurse, who I called The Fat Lady, usually not to her face. She was a Hug Demander. She was of the sort, and their number is not small, who, when you indicate an aversion to casual hugging, make it into a big deal, telling me I have some sort of deep-seated issue. I remember shutting the Fat Lady up, on this subject, when I told her that in my view hugging was foreplay.

I'm going back on the Atkins Diet today. As you can see in the picture of me in the pool, from this morning, I've packed on a few pounds, with big ol' manboobs and a big ol' gut. I can't believe I let myself go like this again. And me with all the judgmental comments about the weight challenged. I really need to work on being less of hypocrite. I'm almost ashamed of myself.

Speaking of Mystery Women, I got a message from one up in Washington yesterday. She is concerned that I am not wearing sufficient clothing when I swim and hike. I appreciate her concern.

Even though it seems sort of wrong to run the oven when you can just put a piece of meat outside to cook it, this morning I heated the oven to 350 and cooked a pork loin. Pork loin is good Atkins Diet material. I should be skinny again in no time. Using the oven did not seem to make it warm in here or cause the A/C to run. Come to think of it, the A/C has been quiet all morning, even though it's 93.2 out there.

I am out of here in a bit to make it day 4 at the Tandy Hills. And then I'm going to Town Talk to buy protein products. Unless I get diverted by another Mystery Woman.


  1. I'm sure once the life force draining hugger is aware of your aversion to hugging...she'll not make that mistake again... :)

  2. I don't think the aversion kicks in in all cases.

  3. I tried the Atkins Diet about 6 years ago, and I had a good deal of success. I prefer Sugar Busters...there's more variety and it's easier to make it a total part of your lifestyle. A really good book I read about processed food and refined sugar was Kevin Trudeaux's Natural Cures. I'd send it to ya, but I've already given it away. :)
