Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Seattle Breaks Record at 102 Degrees & Rising

Something I thought would never happen. Seattle has broken its temperature record, going over 100 for the first time ever, 102 degrees at 2:38, with the temperatures still rising. It's only 98 in my old home zone of the Skagit Valley and Mount Vernon.

Called my sister who lives in Kent to see how she's handling it. No answer.

Ironically, one of my other sisters and mom and dad, who live in the Phoenix zone, are up in the Northwest right now, to escape the heat of Arizona. In Phoenix they have air-conditioning wherever they go. Right now, their only relief is likely in their vehicles.

Just got a message from the Queen of Wink. She called a friend in Seattle who alternated between crying and laughing hysterically. The Queen advised her friend to put towels soaked in water in the freezer, then after they're frozen wrap them around whatever is HOT.

I'll call mom and dad and see where they are and how they're handling it. Well, dad answered. They are at my sister's house in Tacoma. It is 84 inside the house on the middle floor, 98 outside. The poodles, Blue and Max, are refusing to go out in the yard. My sister is heading home from Olympia, then they are all going to Costco. Where it is air-conditioned. My mom and dad already spent several hours in the Tacoma Mall to get cool. Found out my other sister, who I thought was in the Northwest, is back in Phoenix in air-conditioned comfort.

1 comment:

  1. enjoy your posts and this one particularly caught my eye. Having lived in the DFW 'metroplex' in the early 80's, I've lived back home in Seattle for a dozen years now. The weather today reminded me of what I would experience on a hot summer day/evening in Dallas/Ft. Worth. Humid. Big bulging clouds that fortell a storm or rain. Weather service interrupting local radio broadcasts to tell us of Flash Flood Alerts in Snohomish and other parts of NE Kind County. My little cottage in Ballard is nearly 91 indoors - evenly matching the outside temperature at 10pm PDST.
