Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Morning Mooning Over Texas

That white thing in the picture is the crescent moon that hung overhead this morning, while I was in the pool.

We did not get under the 80s last night here in my zone of Texas. Which had the A/C running all night long. I do not like the A/C running, off and on, all night long.

The A/C running all night long, and me having no choice, if I wanted to be comfortable, but to let it run all night long, may have been the reason for my ongoing nightmare dream saga trauma last night.

In the nightmare I lost control of my personal space. Relatives and others became like Nazis. Suddenly I had no rights and they did and said and took whatever they wanted. Eventually I was left with just my laptop, sitting in the dark, wondering why in the world these people thought it okay to act like this.

This nightmare may have been triggered by it being less than a week to go before it is one year since I flew out of here, into a hornet's nest of weirdness and unsettling dysfunction that had me severely traumatized by the time I got back here, a month later. During the height of the madness I tried to make an early escape, to no avail. Which added to the feeling of having lost control.

Right before I went to bed last night I saw I had a Facebook message. To reply to those you can't simply reply to the email message telling you you have a message. You have to log into Facebook to reply to the message that you already read in the incoming email. So, I did so, last night. I was busily typing away and suddenly an explosion went off. Earlier I'd turned up the speakers to listen to a loud YouTube video.

When the explosion popped, the screen suddenly filled up with another window, instantly stopping me from typing. I didn't know what was happening, what was exploding. Then I saw a note that seemed to be directed at me. Then I saw that this note was coming from one of my Movie and TV Star friends. So, I chatted back. Eventually my heart stopped pounding from being startled by that loud explosion.

You know at my advanced age and poor state of physical well-being, a startling incident like this could cause a heart attack. Or worse.

It's perplexing.

Eventually I was able to get myself calmed down and back into sleep mode. So, I said good night to my favorite Movie and TV Star and went to bed. The aforementioned nightmare, soon to follow. All in all a good night and I am well-rested. For the most part.

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