Friday, July 31, 2009

Jerry Jones Moves New Cowboy Stadium To Dallas With Free Tours For Arlington Residents

Lately I've noticed a lot of letters to the editor of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram from citizens willing to criticize local sacred cows more vociferously than I've made note of before.

In some letters, Fort Worth's dimming Trinity River Vision has been criticized, with some calling it what I've said it was for years, that is it seems to be a huge Boondoggle in the making.

For years I've also been disgusted by how Jerry Jones, the Dallas Cowboys and the City of Arlington went about getting a new stadium, using what is believed to be the worst case of eminent domain abuse in American history, kicking thousands from their homes, apartments and businesses to make way for the building and parking lots of a private business.

So, this morning there were 2 letters expressing umbrage on a couple points regarding the ongoing Jerry Jones' public relations shortcomings....

Raw deal for residents

I read in the July 26 Star-Telegram that Arlington residents will get their free tour of the Cowboys Stadium on Aug. 9. I thought that was great until I saw all the places we don’t get to go, that the tour is only from noon to 4 p.m. and residents can bring out-of-town people with them.

The residents of Arlington who paid for most of this stadium get less than the people who pay their $12- $15 for a tour. Since Arlington has more than 370,000 residents, you want us plus any guest to cram in between noon and 4 p.m. for a partial tour. Again we get thrown under the bus by Jerry Jones and Mayor Bob Cluck.

— Helen Scanlan, Arlington

Jerry Jones gave a very impassioned speech in San Antonio at the opening of the Cowboy’s training camp, inviting the San Antonio fans to come see the Cowboys at their new stadium.

Thing is, if they listened to him, they won’t find it.

See, Jerry repeatedly told of the new Cowboys Stadium — in Dallas.

Perhaps Jerry’s been too busy to know that the new stadium is in Arlington. Perhaps Jerry is unaware of all the Arlington residents forced to lose their homes to build parking lots for that behemoth. Perhaps Jerry hasn’t noticed the massive road construction in Arlington to provide access to the stadium. Perhaps Jerry didn’t know about the increased taxes Arlington residents are paying for the new stadium.

Arlington is paying the price, but Dallas is getting the credit.

If Jerry goes to Dallas for the home opener to watch the Cowboys play the Giants — well, he’ll miss the game.

— Cam Kirmser, Hurst

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