Saturday, July 18, 2009

Canadians In Texas & Avoiding The Fort Worth Gestapo At The Tandy Hills

I had sort of decided not to venture deeper into Fort Worth until Fort Worth's rogue cops are indicted and in jail. Despite there being more calls for that to happen, currently the worst of the Fort Worth Gestapo Thugs are still part of the police force, with desk jobs, til their fate is decided.

I believe part of the International Outrage is due to the way Fort Worth's Ruling Junta has handled this public relations nightmare. A lot of people seem to think it should be fairly easy to find out who ordered the armed invasion of the Rainbow Lounge. And who empowered these cops to be citizen beating thugs. Once those simple facts are ascertained, then fire and arrest the suspects, prior to indictment and trial. Seems rather straightforward.

Sadly, that is not how fascist regimes operate. An external force must intervene, in this case not an allied invasion, instead, a federal investigation into what has gone wrong in Fort Worth.

I'd strongly suggest the federal investigation start with the mayor, looking at his conflicts of interest, that would already have him behind bars in democratic regimes.

So, though I said I would try and avoid driving deeper into Fort Worth, today the Tandy Hills seemed to draw me. But I did not want to park on my regular spot on View Street. The Fort Worth Gestapo regularly patrols that area. And I've learned from my snitch deep inside the Fort Worth Propaganda Bureau that some are not pleased with me portraying Fort Worth as needing to be put on the State Department's list of dangerous cities, best avoided by Americans and Foreigners. Most do that anyway, so there really is no great need for a warning, I suppose. It is more us locals who are in danger.

Today, to enter the Tandy Hills Natural Area I parked by the Tandy Tower, off city streets. It's also a shorter distance from my abode, thus I saved some gas. Though it is 93 right now, 3 hours later, at the time of the hiking it was a semi-chilly 84. With a good wind. Did not really break out much of a sweat.

I made note, today, of the fact that when I do start driving, after hiking, I do drive real slow, it was between 10 and 15 mph. I was driving down Martell Avenue, which runs parallel to Oakland Boulevard. I think they were pecan trees creating a tunnel-like effect. I thought Oakland did this well, but Martell outdoes Oakland. As I was driving slowly along, at a speed that would raise the suspicions of any Gestapo agent who happened to observe me, I saw something I do not recollect seeing in Texas before. A Canadian flag, flying beside an American flag, on the front of a house.

That Canadian flag almost made me homesick. Almost.

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