Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th Of July Murder Attempt & Facebook

No. Those are not horses in Texas in the picture. They are horses in Eastern Washington, somewhere near Winthrop in the North Cascades.

It has been several months, maybe as many as 6, since I got on Facebook. I'd grown tired of hearing "Facebook" and not knowing what it was. To check it out I had to create an account. I did so, not using my real name, but accidentally sending out these friend request messages to people who's name I recognized.

Of those, Karen eventually figured out who I was, after exhausting pretty much every name in our high school annual. Since Karen friended me a few others figured out who I was and friended me, or figured out who I was and put me on their "don't friend" list.

Getting in touch with some people has been interesting, because some are, well, interesting. Like Karen, near as I can tell she is constantly on the go. Hawaii one week, Canada the next, back and forth over the mountains. (that is Washington-speak, meaning to go east of the mountains, which is also Washington-speak, meaning to cross over the Cascades via one of the mountain passes)

Awhile back I was surprised to learn Karen was a biker chick, as in she rides a Harley with her biker dude husband. They just got back from riding the Harleys up to Whistler in Canada. That is one treacherous road, in a car. You couldn't get me to ride it on a motorcycle. I've only been on a motorcycle twice. Both times did not go well.

And then yesterday I learned Karen does something even more adventurous than being a biker chick and it is also something you couldn't get me to do. Later this month a group of ten people, plus 20 horses and mules and judging from pictures of last year's wilderness expedition, several dogs, will ride horses on mountain trails to some distant campsite, starting the trek somewhere near Winthrop.

I have been hiking in the Cascades and have seen people on horses high in the mountains. It always looks dangerous to me. As in some of those trails are steep with very steep drop offs. I've had nothing but bad luck with horses. The last time I was on one it tried to kill me. Nine years ago on this very day, that being the 4th of July. I won't elaborate on how the horse tried to kill me, suffice to say I believe it was part of a very nefarious murder attempt that went awry.

Another thing I learned via Facebook was that Beth is now a TV and movie star, well, she's on a TV show, one of my favorites, that being LOST. And she's been in a movie. I've watched TV before and have seen a movie.

And then there's Cheryl, she with a daughter all grown up and in videos and films. I watched a very intriguing film starring Cheryl's daughter last week. It was one of those daunting foreign film type movies, deep with meaning that requires deep thought to understand it. Deep thought is not my forte.

Karen also has a daughter who has done an interesting thing. As in being the youngest person, male or female, to climb the highest peak on all 7 continents.

It seems like there were other interesting thing I've learned via Facebook, but I'm drawing a blank now.


  1. I took a look at facebook too but I didn't really get into it. I'm looking at twitter now. I think you would be a good fit in twitter. It might take away from your blogging time and ideas tho.

  2. I've never understood why MySpace was popular either. I keep meaning to check out twitter. Maybe I'll remember to do that today. I've been curious ever since twitter became part of the news coming out of Iran.

  3. Mister Twitter, I mean Twister. After your instigation I finally looked at Twitter. Just like Facebook, I had to create an account. So, I am now Twittering and really don't get it. It's like those Facebook Wall comments on steroids. My Twitter address is

    How is anyone supposed to find this? And why would anyone follow the moment to moment blatherings from me? It's perplexing.

  4. I think it's like a social climbing thing. You can listen in on the random thought of some interesting people. Like Lance Armstrong for instance. (@lancearmstrong). Just don't expect a reply back, he's got 1,268,456 following him,or Harry Knowles of It can be a way for you to leave little post it notes on the (virtual) refrigerator door of your family in the green state, WA.

  5. Well, I'm giving Twitter a try, but its charm really is not revealing itself so far.

  6. It's probably not going to work for you due to fact you have plenty to do anyway, but here's a site that may help.

  7. Durango, I have a twitter account. I was following Christopher Walken or at least I thought I was...come to find out, the Christopher Walken Twitter was a hoax. I know a lot of people twitter for key words, such as Obama, terrorism, 2012...that sorta thing, so whenever anything pops get notified and can read about it.'s not reliable and you have to do a lot of fact checking. Just like you...twitter also has it's bugs!

  8. I think I need Twittering for Dummies.

  9. I took that picture of the horses. I was lazy that day and skipped the "day ride". I'm looking forward to our trip. The twittering sounds interesting, but I like my scrabble on facebook!

  10. Thanks for the picture, Miss Anonymous. I don't think you can be lazy and ride a horse 8 hours to set up a camp, along with 20 horse and mules. Twittering does sound interesting. The reality, not so much.
