Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Wet Walk In Arlington At A Very Crowded Veterans Park

Around noon the rain sort of let up. A bit. I couldn't take being cooped up like a prisoner in a cage any longer.

I decided to head to Arlington, ready for a walk at Veterans Park, ready to skip that if the deluge resumed and head on to Chinatown for some good stuff.

It did not look promising when I left here. I-820 was backed up to I-30. Traffic was at a standstill on the flyover that connects 30 to 820 northbound. It looked like a big mess. Fortunately that was not the direction I was heading.

Driving by the entry to Village Creek Natural Historic Park I could see the gate had it closed due to flooding. I continued on to Veterans Park, where I figured I'd have the place all to myself.

Well, on the rainiest, stormiest day so far this year, Veterans Park was the busiest I've ever seen it. The north parking lot was completely full, with people parking on the street. I found one empty parking space at the south lot.

A school was having a graduation party. I thought it rather daring of them to go ahead with their party plans, what with the weather being in lightning, rain, hail, wind, tornado mode.

Though it was damp, the party goers seemed to be having fun playing games in the mud, like volleyball and some other team type game, I had not seen before, that involved a lot of yelling. A good time seemed to have been being had by all. Loud music played from the covered amphitheater.

I only unleashed my umbrella once, even though it was not raining, under the trees a deluge still fell, shaken off the leaves by the wind.

After the Veterans Park walk it was off to Chinatown, got my goods, and now brown basmati rice is cooking in the rice cooker. And I await it being done.

I am seeing some blue sky through the clouds. Hallelujah!

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