Sunday, June 28, 2009

Texas Hot Water Hot Air & Broken Bikes

In the picture you are going swimming with me early Sunday morning. The water was warmer than the air.

The overnight low was 80. It is not even 10 a.m. yet and it is already over 90. So, it'll be another scorcher in Texas this last Sunday of June.

Next Saturday is already the 4th of July. Towns in Texas put on the best parades I've ever seen, with two of them being 4th of July Parades. One of the biggest in Texas is the 4th of July Parade in Arlington. My favorite, that I've seen, is the Granbury 4th of July Parade.

I won't be going to any parade today, as far as I know. I still have not gotten around to getting my bike wheel fixed. I never think of it until I'm in the mood to do something aerobic and then remember my bike is disabled. Bike riding is easily doable when the temps are over 100.


  1. It's shaping up to be a hot one, and by hot I mean multiple days exceeding the century mark. It's like you say, it'll get so hot the heat will dissipate the humidity from the air. There is that, I guess. When I was much younger I'd swim in (what I called) Johnson Creek that fed into Lake Arlington. I'm not so sure I'd do that now, but I'm fairly sure the water would be much cooler.

  2. Johnson Creek is what I call the creek that floods that runs by the new Cowboy Stadium and Six Flags. I've been making so many mistakes of late. You could not get me in a creek here. My first snake sighting in Texas was a water moccasin in a creek near Weatherford. My only garfish sighting was in Village Creek in Arlington. Add to that the new thing to look for, that being alligators. I just got back from River Legacy. I wanted to walk that section of trail where that lady got injured awhile ago. I was amazed at how much trail is in that section and how it was way beyond anything I'm willing to risk riding. I mean, it was ridiculous. I had troubling walking parts of it. I took pics, will see if they do justice to how treacherous the trail is later. I forgot to mention. It was HOT.

  3. With the extreme heat this summer the local bike shops are going to find it difficult to sale bikes. I'm thinking along about September or October they're going to have to put them on sale to clear out this years model and because they'll have so much product there will be some deep discounts to be had. So if you were in the market for a new bike, it may be a good time to get one.

  4. Good plan. I really need a new bike. I think I bought my current one in 2002. It's gone several thousand miles, through 3 speedometer/odometers.

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