Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sunday's River Legacy Park Bike Wreck Victim Speaks

On Sunday I blogged about pedaling the mountain bike trail at River Legacy Park and there being a lot of emergency vehicles and rescuers on the scene.

I was barely into the ride when I nearly had a head-on collision with a kid who told me there was a bad bike wreck on the South Loop of the trail.

By the time I got to the South Loop I overheard, but did not see, rescue workers.

The next morning I looked at the online versions of the local newspapers to see if there was a report of the injury. I saw none.

And then last night I heard from the victim, Vasti Fernandes, in a comment to the blogging about the wreck. Actually it was 2 comments. The second gave me her phone number, in case anyone wanted to make a donation to Vasti out during her recovery time.

Below are the two comments combined, verbatim...

Hi Durango.

Last sunday (05/31/2009), i had a accident doing mountain bike at the River Legacy Park, at the South Loop. Me and my family (husband and sons), normally went there every weekend). We love the wild life, we love the park. Unhappy, this weekend i had my injuries. I have broke my dorsal spin in 2 places. I spent a day at the JPS hospital, prays the Lord, my injuries isn't so bad. I must to rest 3 weeks, no moves, no nothing. I just want let the people know, THE SOUTH LOOP GUYS IS SO DANGER. Please, take care, i don't want see other people at the same situation like me.


NOTE 100 TO THE RESCUE'S GUYS. 100 to the bikers. Everybody who help me, Thanks and thanks.

If you contact me, my phone number is 682 241 7958, if some people want to do some donation, I'll be so thankfull, because I'll spend more than one month "resting".

Thank you again.

Vasti Fernandes,

Does anyone know what a "dorsal spin" is? I knew that South Loop was trouble. I tried it once. I got to the 3rd drop and said to myself, "no way."

I do not like recovering from a bad bike wreck. What ever minor thrill I might get from successfully doing some death defying deed is outweighed by the risk.

Ever since I had a really bad roller blading accident, that left my left cheek bloodied and bruised, I have been risk averse. That one was a long recovery. By cheek I don't mean the one on my face. I'd show you a picture of that injury, but I think I'm banned from nudity on this blogger thing, even if it is a badly bruised butt cheek.

1 comment:

  1. It's by the dorsal fin. Seriously I wish Mrs Fernandes the best. I guess I'm gonna have to go out to River Legacy, slowly creep out onto the south loop and peer cautiously over the ledge.
