Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Saturday Morning Headache In Texas

Yes, that is me this fine Saturday morning. My one longtime reader may recall me mentioning yesterday that I'd come down with a headache, 2 days in a row, and how this used to happen to me all the time, but has not for a long time. With me crediting Texas with the cure.

When I used to have headaches, the worst were the ones that continued for days, as in go to bed with a headache, wake up with a headache. When your head aches that bad it is pretty much all you can think about. And then when it finally goes away it is such a relief and you feel so good.

My only multi-day bout I can remember in Texas happened in July of 2001. I drove solo up to Washington for my mom and dad's 50th. I was barely 100 miles in when a headache started up. By the time I got to Pueblo, Colorado, for that day's pitstop, I had a blinding, eyes weeping, throbbing headache. The next morning I was still throbbing. On into Wyoming my head ached. I was hoping the All You Can Eat KFC Buffet in Rawlins, Wyoming would cure me. But, no buffet, it was summer, tourist season and all the fast food joints in Rawlins had long lines. I ended up finding food in a grocery store and continued on, stopping at Little America for coffee. And then, as I descended into Utah, to the Great Salt Lake Basin, the drop in altitude seemed to melt the headache away. By the time I got to that night's pitstop in Twin Falls, Idaho, I felt great. I remained headache-free for the rest of this trip.

This morning when I woke up and found my head was still aching I thought floating in the pool might cure it. It did help, but no miracle cure. I will say this in my headache's defense, this current pain in my head is not nearly as bad as the epic bad headaches of the past. I'm just hoping this isn't some sort of new trend and that I'm not sliding down some slippery slope that ends with me being a chronic aching head sufferer again. Because that will make me very cranky. Me being cranky is not a good thing.


  1. I lived in Tx for 33 years of my 43 yrs and I KNOW about headaches...I only got them when I lived in Texas though. I moved to the mountains in Upstate NY never had one the entire years i was there) and now sadly living in Lousyana and the headaches came back. It took me years of wasted money on docs and drugs to finally figure out a $4.00 cure. One day out of desperation (my eyeballs and toe nails were hurting the headache was so bad) I took two Tylenol with pseduophedrine. I had even taken vicoden, a friend gave me oxycontin another gave me pills just for migranes nothing worked until i took the tylenol with pseduophrine. That is the over the counter that is not over the counter but you have to show id to get it from the pharmacist pills.
    I just happened across your blog when i googled a town called oatmeal, tx and it somehow put me on your blog.......go figure..( i like the pool photos by the way)
    But sorry to bother ya....I just read a bit about your headaches and it made me think about my headaches and thought i would throw ya a bone on what helped me...
    Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the headache remedy. I've been headache free for several days.
