Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An Orchid, Lost Monsters, Foul Moods & Tandy Hills Hiking

My Physical Therapist, Dr. L.C and I have been in a foul mood today for a long list of reasons, with any single reason being good enough for a bad mood. But, all together, it's a Perfect Storm of Reasons for a Bad Mood.

Even though I communed with nature yesterday, Dr. L.C. prescribed solitude with nature, for its possible salubrious benefit, hopefully somewhat mitigating my foul mood.

I needed to go to a location on Beach Street. The Tandy Hills are sort of on the way, so that was my go to choice for peaceful solitude with nature.

However, it was not as peaceful as I would have hoped. At the Tandy Hills I am hiking almost at the heart of a really big city. But it feels like you are not in a city, that you are isolated out in the wild. Because you sort of are. As I carefully picked my way down a steep, rocky slope I heard noises to my right, as if something large was walking in the trees along the creek. Then I saw movement in the trees, along with the noises, very much like when the "monster" blows through the trees on LOST.

It was unsettling, but I continued on. When I crossed the dry creek bed I looked to my right, to where the noise had come from. I hear and see nothing. I continued on walking.

I really wasn't getting that feel good endorphin thing happening, I cut the communing with nature short and continued on to Beach Street. During the communing I did see a delicate new wildflower, it sort of looked like an orchid.

So, that's been my day today in semi-hot 88 degree Texas, up at 4 am, starting up a new blog, gradually developing the aforementioned foul mood, a Doctor prescribed hike, that really did nothing for me, but make me sweat and now I'm back here, typing out my whining to no one.

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