Friday, June 19, 2009

Naked Hiking Day At Tandy Hills Natural Park

In the blogging previous to this one I blogged about this coming Sunday's Summer Solstice Naked Hiking Day.

There have been articles in various media today about the naked hiking phenomenon.

The New York Times had an article in which a machinist from Warren, PA, Andrew Williams, 28, said, "There's no way to explain it until you experience it. It's not about being lewd and crude and all that. It's just enjoyment."

Well. Now, I have used some basic photo-chopping to fake that I've gone hiking at the Tandy Hills, au naturel, previously, just to amuse myself with the reactions of some. Some did not disappoint.

And then today, with Naked Hiking Day looming 2 days hence, I decided today I was going to see if it actually is true that hiking in the buff is a fun thing.

Now, I've long been a fan of skinnydipping. That just seems natural. One does not wear shoes when one skinnydips. So, there is a basic problem with naked hiking, in that one needs to wear hiking boots.

I got to the Tandy Hills Natural Area around noon. I knew there'd be no one there. This time I was going to test if Naked Hiking is enjoyable. I took along a backpack to carry my water, cameras. And, eventually, shorts.

As soon as I reached the point where I was no longer visible from the road I doffed my shorts and stuck them in the backpack. And then started hiking like I usually do. Only in Naked Hiking mode.

Well. It did not take me long to feel totally ridiculous. I did not see anything remotely enjoyable about it. Yes, it was a bit cooler. But it quickly became apparent that skinnyhiking is not like skinnydipping. I don't worry about going through brushy areas when I'm skinnydipping. I did not like feeling exposed to something poking me.

And then there was the issue of areas being exposed where normally the sun does not shine. I had not thought to sunscreen those areas.

I did maybe a half mile of naked hiking before I decided this was one of the stupider things I've done in awhile. It was not in the slightest enjoyable. I don't know what that Williams guy from Pennsylvania is thinking. From this day forth, when I am hiking, I am keeping my shorts on. My shirt, not so much.


  1. I am with you on that one...and you didn't even mention the opportunities it creates for biting insects and poisonous plants...I'll take a layer of moisture wicking high tech fabric fresh from Bangladesh, thank you very much.

  2. LOL...when I read your previous post I imagined a scenario of me hiking in the nude...considering the harsh environment I live in...Mesquite, cactus, hard brown dead grass, scorching heat, scorpions...well, I didn't think that would be a very good idea! I'm with you...take skinny dipping over skinny hiking anytime!

  3. Well hun if yer gonna go naked don`t forget to use lotsa sun screens and bug repellents. Seems like too much of a hassle layering on all that crap.

  4. Thanks for your concern, Tootsie, but I was not exposed long enough to burn.

  5. I can see your dumb ass. You didn't get into any poison ivy, did you?

  6. Quit looking at my dumb ass, Mister Twister. And thanks for your concern regarding poison ivy. I don't think that plant exists at the Tandy Hills. And I wasn't exposed to any type dangerous plant for very long, if they did exist. I think I may be going to Bob Jones Park in Southlake today. You're welcome to come along. I doubt I'll be doing any naked hiking. Possibly some skinnydipping in Lake Grapevine, though, if it looks tempting. And I see no snakes.

  7. Thx for the offer. I'll have to take you up on that, but maybe not today.

  8. I was hiking at Tandy a couple days ago and my co-hiker pointed out some poison ivy to avoid. It was on the west side of the main trail.

  9. Thank for the poison ivy info, Big Ed in Tex.

    Change in plans, Mister Twister. Time running short, don't want to take any more of it by driving all the way up to Lake Grapevine. Am going to go hiking at Tandy Hills instead. I will be keeping my clothes on, particularly with this fresh poison ivy warning.

  10. Trying to figure out when it is in DFW area. I heard 12:26? Cool Post. And no the naked riding will never make it in Dallas, perhaps Austin though.

  11. Brooke? Are you wondering when the precise moment of the solstice is? Or when the Naked Hiking is supposed to take place?

  12. You only hike one time there ? I wanting do it i am nudist /naturist .
