Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jabba The Hut Insomnia

Last night I watched that awful TV train wreck I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! on NBC. Most of the so-called celebrities I'd never heard of, including one especially obnoxious guy named Spencer Pratt.

Spencer Pratt is a Big Brat who has epic temper tantrums. I think watching this triggered a post-traumatic stress reaction, reminding me of that Tacoma Monster, who Gar the Texan dubbed Lord Voldemort, due to the dreaded fear she leaves in her wake, that has people afraid to utter her name, lest she direct an eruption in their direction.

Last night I had trouble getting to sleep, my first insomnia bout in a long time. Sometime after midnight I finally passed out, only to be awakened by a nightmare where Lord Voldemort had morphed into Jabba the Hut and was spewing a bunch of nonsensical vitriol at me. I think my sub-conscious turned Lord Voldemort into Jabba the Hut because they sort of look alike and neither has a neck.

Creatures like Spencer Pratt and Jabba the Hut are like slightly sleeping volcanoes. For the most part they keep the molten lava that seethes inside them under control, but way too frequently that molten lava gets released, usually in a most inappropriate fashion. And when the lava flows it reveals the ugly thought processes that torment the inner workings of the human volcano's mind.

During the months after my Tacoma Trauma last year I tried to figure out and understand what caused such strange self-destructive behavior, writing about various aspects of the subject, generating a lot of interesting comments and emails.

I eventually concluded the Jabba the Hut was the way she was due to a combination of many factors that combined to create a monster.

One factor is being an Only Child. Blogging about Only Child Syndrome eventually led me to learn that dealing with this syndrome is a world-wide problem. Many Only Children pitch a fit when they don't get their way, even in adulthood.

In my quest for answers I blogged about Histrionic/Narcissistic Disorder, the symptoms of which hit bingo in Jabba's case.

I blogged about mental health side effects caused by taking various psycho-tropic medications, again hitting bingo in Jabba's case.

I blogged about Morbid Obesity and the underlying mental health issues involved when a person engages in that type of overt self-destruction.

I blogged about Toxic People and how to recognize the signs that the person you are dealing with is extremely toxic and best avoided.

I blogged about Transactional Analysis and how one is best off if one deals only with people who operate from an adult I'm OK, You're OK mindset. And never deal with someone who's outlook on most of the world is I'm OK, You're Not OK.

Eventually I was satisfied I'd figured out what was so messed up about Jabba and why.

And then last night after watching Spencer Pratt be a brat, Jabba appeared in a nightmare, and unlike the Jabba the Hut of Star Wars fame, this Jabba was able to walk. Jabba was chasing me, trying to catch me and eat me. Just like the previous insomnia nightmare, where it was 6 ugly, extremely fat women running after me with their huge mouths wide open.

Spencer Pratt and those non-celebrities are on again tonight. I think for my own peace of mind and a good night's rest I probably should not be watching.


  1. LOL. Jabba the Hut. The likeness is uncanny. Why had I not noticed this before? Good job on the analysis of the problem.

  2. LC & T Town Girl, Jabba is scary. I hope you have not had to deal with it. In the past, such persons would be institutionalized, but nowadays they are left out to wreak havoc, stealing, lying and just being annoying nutcases who should be locked up. Jabba was behind bars at one point. But she escaped. If there is any sanity in this world she'll be behind bars again. Hopefully soon.
