Monday, June 29, 2009

Another Sleepwalking In Texas Incident

I had myself another sleepwalking incident. It's only when there is evidence evident in the morning, or an eye witness reporting, that I know I've been sleepwalking again.

Unlike the last known incident, last night's did not involve any bruise-causing fall.

About 2 in the morning I woke up and couldn't find my second pillow. I reached around on both sides of the bed. No pillow. I knew something was not right, but I ignored it and fell back asleep.

I woke up again about 5 and decided to get up. Turned on the light. The second pillow was no where to be seen.

I go to make coffee and then walk out to the patio to get my swimming suit. I slide open the patio door and there it was. My swimming suit and my pillow.

I don't think I went swimming. The exit door was locked. My previous leave the house sleepwalking incidents have always left the door unlocked.

It's a bit unsettling to know you've been up wandering around with your pillow in the middle of the night and have no memory of doing so, because I've no idea what else I may have done. Or where else I may have gone.

Below is a YouTube video of a sleepwalking dog....


  1. Seems like you're forming a habit...let's see, the last time the sleepwalking incident occurred did you experience anything negative?
    Did anything stressful happen?

    My brother sleep walks when he's experienced something negative or when he's overly tired. As a child he combined sleep walking with urination...quite funny, especially the time when he took a left instead of a right and gave my mommy and daddy a yellow shower while they slept! :)

  2. Nothing stressful that I'm aware of. My sister told me my youngest nephew went through a sleepwalking phase. One night he did a thing similar to what your brother did, key difference being he mistook the refrigerator for the restroom facility.

  3. Well, if it keeps happening, I suggest putting a chain lock way up high and try and keep yourself in at least where it's semi-safe.

    Where's your dog while all this is going on?

  4. Where did you get the idea I have a dog?

  5. A bad assumption on my part, I of your posts mentions taking the dog for a walk.

    Okay, just read that one again and I humbly retract the previous statement. BUT maybe investing in a pooch might be helpful :)

  6. I'm glad you read it again with a more focused attention to detail. A dog would be way too much bother. When my cat, Hortense, died, in Texas, at 21 years old, I said never again, no cat, dog or monkey.

  7. Awww...that's a long time to have a kitty. :)

  8. I think she's right. You should make it difficult for yourself to make it out the door while sleepwalking. If you get out in the water you might wake up dead.

  9. When my grandma died my sister told me grandma went peacefully, that "she woke up dead." Did you just call Mister Twister some sorta moron? If so, you really must apologize at once.

  10. Sorry about that, I've never heard the expression, "wake up dead" and no, I didn't call Mister Twister a moron, I referred to the expression of wake up dead, as an oxymoron, which means having contradictory words paired pretty ugly. A person wouldn't normally wake up, if he/she were dead. I deleted the comment and if you think I owe Mister Twister an apology then here it is: I'm sorry.

  11. Geez. I was teasing. Now go undelete your comment!

  12. I don't think I can do that...oh, you were teasing again... ;)

  13. Well, now that you have made it totally confusing as to what was actually said about someone being a moron, I'm thinking the decent thing to do now is to offer some sort of blanket apology for any part you may have played in leading anyone to think you'd actually referred to anyone as a moron.

  14. Oh my goodness, some days it's just better to stay in bed! Okay, after Mister Twister posted his comment:

    I think she's right. You should make it difficult for yourself to make it out the door while sleepwalking. If you get out in the water you might wake up dead.

    I then posted: that's an oxymoron, wake up dead.

    Then that's when Mr. Durango accused me of calling Mister Twister a moron, (which I didn't)and suggested that I apologize immediately. Being a bit blonde and naive, I took Mr. Durango's jest to heart...deleted my original comment (because I don't like hurting anyone's feelings) and then offered an explanation and an apology.

    Apparently, I've caused great confusion and puzzlement for all Mr. Durango's many readers (I would say that's an example of irony, but i won't) and now upon the zen's request I am offering a final apology: I'm sorry. :)

  15. You're a blonde? I don't recollect accusing you of calling anyone a moron. I think I asked if that is what you meant. Is that an oxymoron?

  16. In the words of Julie Brown, "Cause I'm a blonde yeah yeah yeah".

  17. Who is this Julie Brown of whom you speak? And why are you speaking of her?

  18. Julie Brown is an 80's icon for performing parodies. I'm not sure if she wrote "I'm a Blonde", but she performed it wearing a blonde wig (because Ms. Brown has Brown hair). She also performed "I'm a Barbie Girl"...she's sorta the female Weird Al.
