Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Windy Texas Bike Riding With Snakes, Lizards & Wildflowers

I'm having me a day that's having me feeling like a tired worn out old man. I woke up way too early. My bedroom window was open, by morning it had gotten cold, as in the 60s. A bird started up some siren, alarm clock type warbling, well before the sun came up. I assume it was a bird.

So that warbling bird got me up early. I then got on the computer where one thing after another sucked my mental energy while trying to figure out annoying website and blog issues.

Around noon I had had enough of straining my easily strained brain. I needed some fresh air and sunshine. The closest available source is Village Creek Natural Historic Area. Or Historic Natural Area. I never remember which way that goes. Neither way makes a lot of sense. Is it a natural historic area? Or an historic natural area? It's perplexing.

It was being very windy around noon. With the wind pushing me, it was very easy to pedal over 20 mph. That was fun. Heading back into the wind I was lucky to go 10 mph. That also was fun. I pedaled about 11 miles before I had had enough.

Of all the Texas wildflowers I think the pink primrose ones are my favorite. Maybe because they last the longest, as in the bluebonnets seem to be long gone, but these pink things just keep blooming along. And they were the first Texas wildflower I ever saw, coming in from the west, just east of Amarillo, they started appearing. There were several big patches of the pink wildflowers waving in the breeze at Village Creek today.

I saw some wildlife, while pedaling today. Two snakes and a big lizard. The snakes weren't moving too fast, due to it not being all that warm, with them being cold-blooded little monsters. The lizard did move fast. Aren't they cold-blooded, too?

That's been my day today in Texas. Tomorrow will be better. It always is. Sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely blog.
    Sometimes birds do really serve as an alarm clock.
    As the saying goes..."The early bird catches the worn"
