Friday, May 22, 2009

Swimming In Potholes In Fort Worth

Another beautiful morning in Fort Worth.

This new swimming at the crack of dawn is being a real good thing.

Speaking of cracks. We have a lot of cracks in the pavement here in this zone of Texas. And potholes. And leaks. Sometimes all three at the same time.

Yesterday, when I turned on to View Street to go hiking at the Tandy Hills, I saw a lot of water spewing from yet one more water pipe leak. The leak ran into the park, eventually finding its way to a usually dry creek bed, turning the dry creek into an active flow moving a lot of gallons of wasted water per second. Appalling in a zone where water is something you don't want to be wasting.

On the road by where I live there are several potholes that are caused by water leaks. The potholes get filled with asphalt, like they were yesterday, and then the water gradually erodes the asphalt away and the pothole returns. There seems to be no effort to find the source of the water leak.

This problem seems to have turned epidemic in some areas of this town. I've read the water delivery infrastructure is ancient, in some places, and in need of replacement. This must be the case with the View Street leaks.

So, that's my day so far, swimming at dawn and being perplexed by leaking potholes.

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