Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunny Sunday & No Earthquakes In Texas Today

We have had a return to a sunny blue sky and very pleasant temperatures here in the Fort Worth zone of North Texas.

It is only 73 out there right now at about 3 in the afternoon. Windows open, no need for A/C. A rare, perfect Texas Sunday.

As far as I know we have had no aftershocks from the earthquake that rattled us yesterday. I did feel the earth move today, but it was not an earthquake.

Yesterday, due to it being a Pacific Northwest in winter, slow dripping and wet day, I was housebound. Around noon I un-housebounded myself and went the the Village Creek Historical Natural Area to commune with nature via a walk.

I saw no wildlife today, except for an unusually large number of humans of great diversity, big, small, old, young, feeble and fast. The fast humans being a pair racing way over the park's 10 mph speed limit. I was walking along in the spot you see in the picture, lost in my thoughts, enjoying the tweetering of the birds, when the bikers came up behind me. It was the "on your left" that startled me, and then I turned to see 2 guys on rocket bikes heading right at me. I think I jumped, because the first guy said, "sorry."

I realize I contradicted myself in the above paragraph, first I say I saw no wildlife and then I mention birds. I saw a squirrel or two, too. I should have said I saw no interesting wildlife, like snakes, armadilloes, garfish or turtles.

Now I've gotta go change the logo and name of my new blog. I'll probably change my mind on this name too.

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