Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Soviet Republic of Fort Worth and the Ruling Junta that Runs It

I think I've mentioned before that that newspaper I no longer subscribe to, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, sometimes made me think it acted more like the long gone Soviet Union's Pravda, broadcasting the party line of the Ruling Junta, rather than acting like a real truth seeking newspaper.

Since an election is coming up there are a lot of letters to the editor regarding Fort Worth's mayoral race. This morning there were 2 letters supporting current mayor Mike Moncrief and 2 supporting Clyde Picht.

What strikes me about the letters supporting Moncrief is how they have a propaganda-like, non-factual, Alice Through the Looking Glass, upside-down, reality-distorting feel to them. I'll copy the 4 letters and maybe do some more pithy commenting below the letters.

We like Mike

While it’s tradition that mayors of Dallas continually fight the public over their local issues, I am proud that Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief has been a consensus builder.

From citywide town-hall meetings to citizen task forces, Moncrief has proved that a good leader is a good listener.

He is a problem solver, and your city’s economy and neighborhood quality of life have benefited from his friendly style of results-oriented leadership.

I have a lot of friends in Fort Worth, and I have seen a lot of changes in their neighborhoods. I like Mike, and he has my full support for his re-election.

-- Sonja Moore, Arlington

For those who don’t know, being mayor is not just being in that position.

It is the caring for, the knowledge of and the ability to adapt to all situations, no matter how unpleasant, stressful or difficult they may be.

Decisions that affect the city and all the factions that make it up are difficult at times, and not everyone agrees with the decisions, but that’s part of being the mayor. Mike Moncrief has learned to drive the train, and it always arrives at the right station.

Of all the disasters that have befallen our city, I hesitate to think of the outcome if it had not been for Moncrief.

Listen to your conscience, not hearsay. Be aware of the accomplishments of Mike Moncrief and vote for Mike, the mayor with “you” in mind.

-- John Grammer, Fort Worth

We want change

The past few elections, voters have sent Mike Moncrief to the mayor’s office. Moncrief recently said he was running “on his record.”

Here’s the record: Fort Worth faces a $10 billion budgetary shortfall.

Instead of focusing on city streets and our horrible trash service, the city gave tax money to special-interest projects like the Mercado and the Trinity River “Vision.”

Moncrief accepted more than $69,000 of “special-interest” money, including from the oil and gas industry.

Moncrief is not a fiscal conservative. No surprise, as he’s a lifelong registered Democrat.

We need fiscal responsibility from a conservative with a proven record.

Clyde Picht spent eight years on the council voting against overspending and special-interest projects. He has the know-how to fix our budget without raising taxes.

On May 9, I will be happy to cast my vote for Clyde Picht.

-- John Austin Basham, Fort Worth

I hear the word change with regularity.

Why not Fort Worth?

Wouldn’t it be refreshing for the voters to supplant those rich and influential few now controlling every move this city makes?

Perhaps then we could cap out that Trinity River fiasco. And we could then hold for the future that light rail to lighten the burden on taxpayers.

Most importantly, Moncrief’s sanctuary city would cease in favor of law and order. Can you imagine the cost of harboring illegal immigrants? How about the illegitimacy of such a policy?

Clyde Picht would put an end to these trends. Not only is he a 22-year veteran with three Purple Hearts, he is a seasoned and ethical candidate prepared to represent the interests of the voters. He has served this city well for eight years on the council.

I cast my vote for Clyde Picht.

-- Nathan C. Vail, Fort Worth

Moncrief has proved he's a good listener? At city council meetings he limits citizen input to 3 minutes. Stalin allowed 10 minutes to a Politiburo member. Moncrief will not talk to Fort Worth's responsible, fact-finding, honestly reporting local issues newspaper, that being FW Weekly.

I can't think of a single thing Moncrief has done that has benefited the city of Fort Worth. These Moncrief supporting letter writers do not mention a single specific fact to support their propaganda.

The city's economy and neighborhood quality of life have benefited from his friendly style of result-oriented leadership? Huh? Please, some specific example of how Moncrief has affected the quality of life and the economy. By cutting back on library hours? By lining his own pockets with Barnett Shale money? Is that what they mean by him benefitting the city's economy?

The aforementioned FW Weekly has an annual Best of Fort Worth issue. Below are a couple examples pertinent to this coming election...

Thing Tarrant County Needs

Critic's choice: A revolutionary with moxie

Lots of folks are whining about how the gas drilling companies are taking over Fort Worth, stepping on its citizens, and controlling city hall. Whine, whine, whine. This city needs somebody to go all Pancho Villa on somebody's ass - in a nonviolent way - and really kick up some resistance against city officials and corporate robber barons who treat residents like floor mats and rely on unfair laws put in place by co-opted legislators.

Politician Most Likely to Sell Grandma to the Highest Bidder

Readers' choice: Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief

1 comment:

  1. I think a more appropriate title to this post would be "The Soviet Republic of Fort Worth and the Ruling Junta that Ruins it."
