Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Seas Of Peaks & Midland Flatlands

Like I said earlier today, when you get high in the Cascades you see this phenomenon called "The Sea of Peaks," where there are so many mountain tops, extending as far as you can see, that it looks like whitecaps on a rough sea.

The young lady from Midland, whom I mentioned on my Roadtripping Blog, had asked me if I knew of any waterfalls within 2 hour roadtrip distance from Dallas/Fort Worth, commented on "The Sea of Peaks," saying...

"The pic of you lying on the flat rock over looking your beautiful descriptive simile of white caps on the sea...makes me feel like I'm on the seashore of endless worlds...truly inspiring and if doesn't want to make a body move...I don't know what will...:)"

I've driven by Midland, Texas a time or two, both heading west and east. Flatest, most mountain-free stretch of land I've ever seen. But there are sort of mountains within easy driving distance of the flatlands of Midland. The Young Lady who has never seen a waterfall went to those mountains a few days ago and blogged about it.

In the picture above those are some of "The Sea of Peaks" as seen from the Mount Pilchuck Lookout. Mount Pilchuck is pretty much in the Cascade foothills on the far west side of the Cascade Range. From the summit, on a clear day, you can see the Seattle skyline, Puget Sound, Mount's Baker, St. Helens, Rainier, Adams and others.

Click here to seem more Cascade Mountain pictures, including some of me taking my nephews on Dangerous Adventures that their parents knew nothing about.

1 comment:

  1. I followed the link and viewed your other pics...quite spine-tingling. In fact, you might find this quirky and a bit odd (mind you I'm not a Barbra Streisand fan) but the immeasurable view, only limited by one's own eyes; reminds me of one of my most favorite movies: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever. This movie, not about mountains or peaks, but about a woman who possesses the gift of clairvoyance. I imagine myself standing on the deck of that observation tower...hearing Streisand sing...On a clear day, rise up and look around you and you will see who you will astound you...You'll feel part of every mountain, sea and shore...:)
