Friday, May 29, 2009

Miscellaneous Melancholy & Other Woes

I'm being vexed by that Durango Roadtripping Blog I started awhile back. I can see visitor stats on the blogs, as in I can see how many visitors, where they came from, and sometimes, what they were searching for.

I get a list of the most recent 50 visitors. On this blog you are reading right now that list sometimes goes back only an hour or less, meaning more than 50 visitors an hour. At one point, due to some Atlanta Housewife Scandals my TV Blog was getting 50 visitors every 20 minutes or so. I had to turn off the incoming visitor sound effect due to it got way too annoying.

The new blog is the first time I've seen one of my blogs have a visitor/stats list that goes on for days, as in, just a second, I'll see how far back it goes...

"Calgary, Alberta arrived from on "DURANGO ROADTRIPPING: Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park" by searching for going to the sun highway.
17:34:53 -- 1 day 22 hours ago"

Now, I'll go look at how far the blog you are reading right now goes back...

"Wilmington, Delaware arrived from on "Durango Texas: Biking the Trinity Trail in Fort Worth" by searching for trinity trails biking blog.
12:48:52 -- 3 hours 33 mins ago"

The new blog goes back almost 2 days, this one about 3 and a half hours. Today is not being a very busy day on this blog.

Writing those Roadtripping Bloggings is way too much like being in school and doing homework. I actually have to pay attention and get the info correct.

The search engines have the new blog indexed, the Google Web Tools are now generating what search queries bring up the blog and in what position, the ads started matching the content last week, I guess I'm being impatient. And being boring by writing about this particular subject which is vexing me at this point in time.


  1. I haven't read your new blog, but just sent you an e-mail about happenings in Montana. I have family in Columbia Falls and love going there.

    BTW- I wanted to tell you, I just got back from the Bedford Farmers Market on Brown Trail and bought blackberries for 99 cents. He also has the jumbo avocadoes we are used to from the west coast and also Ranier cherries. I was complaining about my nectarines not being there but he said that he just sent a truck out to the San Jaquin Valley for them.
    In the fall he will have the beautiful apples from Washington and the huge peaches and nectarines from Oregon.
    Well, now that I've sat here all nakey eating toast with peanut butter and blackberries and cooling down a bit, I guess it's time to get dressed again and go out back and plant the 50-something plants I bought this morning. Trying to turn my backyard into my own little Garden of Eden. But when it starts to get real hot, I got a watermelon in the fridge. Yum Yum I love summer.

    See ya
    Your friend

  2. Thanks for the info about the Bedford Farmers Market. I must check it out. I miss cherries. Last summer when I was in Seattle I had really good Bings and Rainiers. I have not had a good apricot since 2001 when I went to Eastern Washington and got a lot of good fruit in the Wenatchee zone. I was appalled the first time I had a Parker County Peach. The peach flavor was so weak. It perplexed me, as in wondering, have these people not ever had a good peach. It's like the fuss made over Kincaid's Hamburgers here in Fort Worth. I was pretty non-plussed the first time I had one, as in I've not been back. In and Out, now that's a good burger. Dicks in Seattle, good burger, Dirty Love Burger from the Love Shack in the Stockyards, good burger. Even a Jumbo Jack or a Whopper beat the Kincaid burger according to my taste buds.
