Thursday, May 14, 2009

LOST In Texas With A TV Star For A Friend

A couple months ago I'd grown tired of reading about Facebook to the point I was finally curious enough to check it out. But there was a catch. I had to create a Facebook account to do so.

In the process of creating the Facebook account I used my Internet nickname, not my real name. Some of the info was correct, like the name of my high school and where I went to college. Most info I was not accurate about.

During the process of creating the account there is a step where you are shown a list of names you might know. I thought I was supposed to select the names I recognized. So, I did so, not realizing this sent out "Friend" requests to these people.

That resulted in me getting embarrassing messages like "How do I know you and why do you want to be my friend." Eventually one of those to whom I had inadvertently sent out a "Friend Request" figured out who I was. She now regularly beats me at Scrabble. It's humiliating. I used to think I was pretty smart til Scrabble put me in my place.

So, this morning I got a fresh "Friend Request" from Beth in Hawaii. I've no idea how Beth figured out she knew me. Maybe it's through the Scrabble Queen. Who knows? Or cares? When I confirmed that I was, indeed, a friend of Beth's I went to look at her profile I found out what Beth has been up to since I last saw her sometime late in the last century.

I knew Beth now lived in Hawaii. We used to both live in Mount Vernon, Washington. I did not know she is now an actress! She's been on LOST, playing one of the crash survivors in that first plane that crashed on LOST that started the show.

I don't know if Beth goes skinny dipping with Matthew Fox, aka Jack Sheppard. I've read that several castmates join him in his regular skinny dips.

It does not shock me that Beth would be on TV and in movies. She's always been a real cutie, with a very easy to listen to voice. I think this may be the first time I've been friends with a TV/Movie star. I'm all atwitter. Whatever that means.

P.S. I forgot to mention, Beth is the one second from the left in the picture, behind Charlie.

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