Monday, May 4, 2009

Glen Bucy Takes On Fort Worth's Good Ol' Boy Network

A 27 year old Fort Worth native named Glen Bucy has had enough of Fort Worth's Good Ol' Boy Network and the wrong direction he feels it has Fort Worth heading.

And so Glen Bucy is taking on Jungus Jordan, trying to take his city council seat away, and thus removing one member of Fort Worth's Ruling Junta.

Wikipedia has an article about Good Ol' Boy Networks. Below is part of that article...

Good ol' boy describes a system of social networking and perceptions alleged to exist prevalently among certain communities and social strata in the United States. Although the term originated in the South, these networks can be found throughout the U.S. and the rest of the Western world. It is typically taken to refer to informal legal, judicial, social, religious, business, and political associations among white males ("good ol' boys"); however, in modern times can be composed of either or both sexes. In some areas, the good ol' boy network is said to still exert considerable influence over many aspects of local government, business, and law enforcement. Usage of the term can often imply a wrongful exclusion of others from the network; however, often the emphasis is on inclusion of a member, as in, "doing a good ol' boy a favor".

Some negative effects of the good ol' boy network are its exclusion of others, leading to leaders of a community possibly limiting business transactions to other elites, or to friends or acquaintances from within the network, to give friends better deals, and generally to reinforce traditional power structures over any other elements in the society.

In West & Clear's Forum about the City Council Elections someone named fwtacoma (not me) commented on Glen Bucy's qualifications, to which Glen Bucy replied with the following...

fwtacoma, I respect your view on my candidacy. However, you said “you probably are not familiar with way a city is run, much less this City.” Let me start by saying that I know exactly how this city works, that is why I am running. The city is run by the “good old boy” club and “special interests”.

The people of Fort Worth have been forgotten. I am running to let city council and our leadership know that “We the people” are not blind to their true motives and interests.

I am reminded of a quote by Edmond Burke “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” I respect Mr. Jordon and mean him no ill will, however, I do believe that Mr. Jordon and most of the city council are ethically challenged and I question their true intentions for running for public office.

With that being said do not belittle my experience, in my 27 years of life, I have been faced by more challenges then most people experience in a lifetime. I have looked evil in the eye and emerged victorious. At the age of 17, I was shot at and many of my friends killed just for attending a church service. When I was 21 I faced an almost constant bombardment of Mortar attacks, multiple IEDs, and the possibility of death on a daily basis while serving my country which includes Fort Worth in Afghanistan fighting in the War on Terror.

Age is not a matter of importance, our own mayor was elected to his first public office in his 20’s or is he a more qualified candidate because of his families status in Fort Worth? I have fought for my county against evil and those who would seek to harm her. I am now fighting for the People of Fort Worth and their interests I.E. “Roads” and not of those who would contribute the most money to my campaign. Let me remind you that our first President was not an Economist, but a Soldier!

The church service to which Bucy refers, where he was shot at and saw friends killed, was the infamous Wedgewood Baptist Church Massacre about a decade ago, soon after I moved to Fort Worth.

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