Friday, May 8, 2009

Fort Worth Democracy Now: Vote Out The Incumbent and the Ruling Junta

Tomorrow, Saturday, May 9, 2009, is the people of Fort Worth's best opportunity to overthrow Fort Worth's Ruling Junta and establish democratic rule.

As near as I can tell, and people tell me, the current political mood, among many in Fort Worth, is the most rebellious in Fort Worth history.

Thomas Jefferson once opined that it is good for a democracy to have a revolution every once in awhile.

It's time for Fort Worth's Revolution. More Fort Worth people are sick and tired, than ever before of being ruled by an oligarchy. Even if most of them don't know what an oligarchy is. They do know what a good ol' boy (and girl) network is. They do know what special interests are. They do know what doing business the "Fort Worth Way" means and they don't want to operate that way anymore.

Are those who want to revolt in the majority? I suspect so. Will those in the majority take control and revolt? I suspect not. Why not? I don't know. All you have to do is get yourself to a ballot box and vote against the Incumbent and the Ruling Junta.

Would you like to be able to go to a city council meeting to air a grievance and have more than 3 minutes to do so? Then vote out the Incumbent and the Ruling Junta.

Would you like to be able to go to a city council meeting and express yourself in any manner you choose, like you could if you lived in a free speech democracy? Then vote out the Incumbent and the Ruling Junta.

Would you like to have more say regarding things like Barnett Shale drilling? Then vote out the Incumbent and the Ruling Junta.

Would you like to have a corruption free, ethically clean city government? Then vote out the Incumbent and the Ruling Junta.

Would you like to vote on things like River Visions, Convention Center Hotels, Mercados, Santa Fe Rail Markets and other Ruling Junta type projects? Then vote out the Incumbent and the Ruling Junta.

Would you like to see Fort Worth become a vibrant, modern city that takes care of all its people, in all its neighborhoods? Then vote out the Incumbent and the Ruling Junta.

It is time for Fort Worth Democracy. Now.

Go Vote Tomorrow!