Saturday, May 16, 2009

Durango World America Gradually Takes Flight

Okay. I started a new blog a few days ago. It is being sort of fun and a bit more bother to write this blog than my others. Mostly because it is not just spewing opinion, which is easy and takes little time, but it is about real places and real experiences and thus needs real facts.

Not that real facts are some sort of difficulty for me, there is no denying it takes more time to make sure you've got the info right.

So, with this blogging thing, the process comes in stages. First off, you make the blog, or website, or whatever content you are putting on the Internet.

And then the challenge becomes causing people to find your blog or website or whatever you've put on the Internet.

With the blogging thing it is sort of a video game trying to get Google and the other search engines to index the content. Since I started this new travel/tourist type blog I've been appalled at the goofy ads Google has been generating.

And then today, about 4 or 5 days into starting this blog, Google got the ads right and I'm all stoked that this new blog is going to be a fun, rewarding thing.

I'm thinking roadtrip, with camera and laptop. And wireless Internet connection.

In the meantime, I really need to do some re-thinking on this Durango World America blog name. I keep waiting for it to grow on me. But how long do I want to wait?


  1. I love your new blog!!!!

  2. I like the Durango World America name. Keep it.

  3. How 'bout "Durango Does America"? Or "Durango's Been There, Done That... And Lives to Tell About It"? "Durango Jones.."? "Durango's From SEE to Shining Sea"?
