Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Big Brother, Sirens, Signs, Sprouts & Near Misses

If it is Wednesday I probably had to be in Southlake today. Which my one longtime reader might guess likely meant I went to Sprouts Farmers Market when I was up north.

My one longtime reader would be right. I had my camera in my pocket today, so I took a picture of the TEXUS TOMATOES sign I see each week when I walk into Sprouts and get a grocery cart.

I like the signs in Sprouts. There are several of them.

Speaking of which, every single Sprouts shopper that I saw come in today, pulled off one of the sanitizer paper towels and wiped down their grocery cart handle. I've seen a few random instances of this before, but never like this. I am almost easily swayed into a herd mentality, so I wiped my cart down for the first time.

I must back up to what happened before I got into Sprouts. I was heading north on Davis Boulevard. Sprouts is at the northeast corner of Davis & Southlake Boulevards. As I neared that intersection the loudest siren I have ever heard went off. It was loud, with the windows up and with Rush Limbaugh in full loud blowhard mode. It was rock concert from hell loud with the windows down.

The siren was a steady sound, not like a tornado siren, but that is what I thought it might be, the weather being a bit unsettled and T-Storms mentioned as possible. The sound seemed to be coming from every direction. After what seemed like minutes of this ear-piercing noise it finally quieted down to silence.

And then the weird thing happened. A voice, just as loud as the siren, started speaking, "This has been a test of the emergency warning system. This has been a test of the early warning system." And then, finally, silence.

Where were the speakers located that this voice was coming from? How large an area do they have wired in Southlake to broadcast like this? It was such a weird Orwellian Big Brother moment. I asked a few people if they knew where the sound came from. No one knew. It's like it came from everywhere, as if it was broadcast, perfect use of that word, from above.

The siren warning incident and Big Brother speaking had my nerves on edge while I did my hunt for stuff at Sprouts. I was only in there about 20 minutes.

On the way back, heading south on Davis, suddenly it started up again, more sirens, only this was an emergency vehicle, followed by a fire truck. Less than a minute after almost getting hit by a firetruck I saw a longhorn I've long wanted to take a picture of. I started to slow up, saw the driveway entry coming up quicker than I thought, hit the brakes, not realizing there was a car a bit close behind me. That driver seemed to handle it okay and a rear ender was obviously avoided or I would have already mentioned it.

Anyway, that's been some of my day today, up at 4 am, no newspaper, pool closed due to all that rainwater of a couple days ago requiring a shock treatment. Impending doom weather-wise, with ultra-high humidity and temps in the 90s.

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