Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Turtle & Duck Togetherness at Oakland Lake Park

My physical therapist, Dr. Layla, keeps confusing me. Now she is telling me I need to slow down, that I operate at an unhealthy level of physical activity. I wish she'd make up her mind. I'm am almost inclined to seek a second opinion.

Anyway, to keep the doctor happy, I cut my morning swim by a few minutes. That may have been partly due to the fact that it froze last night. But that unnatural unseasonable cold did not seem to chill the pool water all that much, near as I could tell.

Around noon I went to the Post Office and then Oakland Lake Park. There are no steep hills in this park, it'd be really hard to over-do it there.

One thing I have made note of lately is there are way way way more Texans out and about walking, biking, hiking and rollerblading. Has anyone else noticed this? I am thinking collectively we may be able to get Dallas and Fort Worth off those Top 20 Most Obese City type lists. Wouldn't that be nice?

There were a lot of turtles out basking in the sun today in Oakland Lake. I like turtles except for when they chase me when I swim in a Texas lake. In Oakland Lake Park the turtles and the ducks peacefully co-exist, even to the point of peacefully co-habiting the same submerged log, as you can see in the picture at the top. The turtles can act skittish when a human gets close, but ducks are of no concern.

1 comment:

  1. You should definately get a different opinion. If she keeps changing her mind, you need to speak with someone else.
