Thursday, April 2, 2009

Post April Fool's Day Blues in Texas

Yesterday was the first day of April. This is also known as April Fool's Day. Some call this day All Fools' Day. It is not actually a holiday in the formal sense, but it is celebrated in many countries around the world.

This special day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication, perpetrated on friends, non-friends, family, neighbors, Internet users or just about anybody else, sending them on some sort of fool's errand or tricking them into believing some piece of information, the purpose of which, apparently, is to embarrass the gullible.

I can not imagine doing such a thing.

On April Fool's Day I blogged about ending my exile in Texas and my unfortunate weight gain, that had me contributing to trying to make Texas the fattest state in the union, which by default would make Texas the fattest place on the planet.

I got a lot of comments and emails about moving and being fat. The comments and emails truly touched me, truly, I tell you, truly.

Regarding ending my Texas Exile....

Tootsie Tonasket emailed:
You're coming back to Washington? Come live with me.

CP emailed:
You're moving to Seattle? Why not back to the valley?

Anonymous commented:
You are not allowed to go anywhere! Do you hear me?! Who is going to report the truth?! Certainly not our media...Anyway back to my original statement. You can stop unpacking now. Today's lesson - Life is too short not to live it as a Texan!!!!!

TT commented:
I am shocked. You're actually moving back! This should be fun.

And then another Anonymous commented:
Just so you know, Lord Voldemort is back on the streets. Does this change your decision to return?

Seattle Girl emailed:
When you going to be here? The day after meet me at Pacific Edge Starbucks, k?

And yet one more Anonymous commented:
I'm not sure if I love you or hate you. I will not deny being amuzed by your sometimes funny, sometimes sarcastic takes on Texas issues and overweight people. I call you my guilty pleasure. If you ever leave Texas you will regret it. I was not born or raised in Texas, just end up here via US Army. When I think about Texas I think about mild weather, warm and frienly people and the place where everything happens. I love Texas and everything about it.For every 10 Durangos leaving Texas there are a 100 waiting to have a shot at it. Take care whatever you do, wherever you end up.

Deby commented:
Please, please, please don't go! Who will be go to for the fun and facts about Texas, the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, Chesapeake Energy, fat woment at Wal-Mart, etc? Really, you can't leave us. It just wouldn't be right!!!

Well, I must say, Deby makes a compelling case. I shall have to give this all some thought.

And then there were the comments and emails about my unfortunate weight gain. There was only one comment to the blog.

Yet one more Anonymous told me:
You really do look like a really fat Tom Cruise.

And then there were a couple emails. With only one amusing one.

Tubby Tuna emailed:
It looks like your anti-obesity crusade bad karma came up and bit you on your fat ass! Hah! You deserve it porker!

Well, I've got news for Tubby Tuna. I was in error regarding my shocking weight gain. A mechanical error. My scale was reporting false information. This morning I bought a new scale that both measures my weight and my body fat %. I was pleased to learn I've lost 35 pounds overnight and only 7.5% of me is fat. How much of you is fat, Tubby Tuna?

I didn't think that old scale was making sense. It seemed like if I'd gained 35 pounds that my pants wouldn't still be so loose on me. Well, that's another mystery solved!

Anyway. Thanks, you all, for all your concern. About both me ending my Texas exile and my sudden descent into porkiness.

1 comment:

  1. You are a cruel April Foolster. Congratulations on losing all that weight overnight.
