Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Infernally Ridiculous System: Pay Your Taxes On Time

I guess sometimes I procrastinate. Particularly if there is a particularly pesky odious task I prefer to avoid. Like paying taxes.

I made it to the Post Office a bit after 5 to put my annual letter to the IRS in the mail. On the plus side, this is the first year in several that I didn't send in an extension request to put off dealing with the ugly business til August.

I don't know what made me be so responsible and on time this year. Maybe I sense that the government is desperate for money, no matter how puny the pittance.

I do feel sorry for the government.

I feel good that in my small way I'm helping send money to those who need it more than I do so they can get the big bonuses they so richly deserve. And help stimulate the economy.

I suppose I should go to one of those Tea Party deals. I got invited. It didn't seem like the sort of thing I'd enjoy though. I prefer coffee.

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