Saturday, April 18, 2009

Foggy, Drizzling North Texas Saturday

That's a look at how foggy it is here this morning. Yesterday we had a typical Pacific Northwest winter rainy day and now this morning it's a typical Pacific Northwest foggy fall day.

And drizzling like being at the ocean.

Living in that type naturally moisturizing climate is one of the reasons people in the Pacific Northwest have such youthful healthy skin, compared to some of the weather/sun ravaged examples of epidermis I see in these parts.

Unfortunately, I have now lived in this skin ravaging climate long enough that I am starting to lose my Pacific Northwest naturally moisturized healthy youthful skin. I figure another ten years and my nickname will be Leatherface.

It being a Pacific Northwest type fall day today, I decided to have a Pacific Northwest type breakfast, that being French Toast with blackberry preserves, hash browns and sausage. I guess the only Pacific Northwest thing about that breakfast is the blackberry part.

I don't know if it'll dry out enough to be able to go on a salubrious hike today. My physical therapist, Dr. L.C., was concerned yesterday that being housebound might have a deleterious effect on my well-being. Well, I did manage to go swimming in the rain, yesterday, and in the drizzle this morning. I prefer swimming in the rain to the drizzle.

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