Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Don't Believe in God? You Are Not Alone According to Billboard

The billboard you see in the picture has been appearing all over America, including Dallas, which is where the one you see in the picture is located. Another appears in Fort Worth.

Somehow this would seem to be a tad provocative here in the Buckle of the Bible Belt.

The billboards are brought to America courtesy of something called FreeThoughtAction, which is part of something called the American Humanist Association.

According to the executive director of the American Humanist Association, Roy Speckhardt, "The point of the billboard is to let nontheistic people, such as atheists and agnostics, know they’re not alone."

The founder of FreeThoughtAction, Jan Meshon further explained, "For all the attention given to religion lately, the number of secular Americans is booming. The tide is definitely turning."

To which Speckhardt adds, "So why have nontheistic Americans been made to feel marginalized and deviant? This billboard demonstrates our will to push back and refuse to be passive in the culture wars. And after so many religious billboards, it’s only fair that we should have one that gives voice to nontheists."

It really is no great surprise that the news of these billboards would generate at least one embarrassingly wrong-headed letter to the editor of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. I'll copy it below. See how many erroneous beliefs you can spot in the letter....

Disturbing message

What is the world coming to when you see billboards that ask, “Don’t believe in God? You are not alone”?

Metroplex Atheists Chairman Terry McDonald is exercising his freedom of speech but, at the same time, he is confusing church and state. With America as “one nation under God,” how could we let this happen?

“In God we trust” is printed on our money. Our country was founded on God, and for this billboard to stand anywhere in this country is a mockery of our founding fathers.

— Thomas T. Risher, Fort Worth


Gar said...

I have an embarrassing admission. I thought this was a bible thumping billboard.
As in "Don't believe in God? He still believes in you" type thing.
I've been brainwashed since I was a small child.
"You are not alone. Even if you don't believe in God. He is still with you."
I'm twisted.

Gar said...

Maybe if they got rid of the clouds and instead put a throng of people, it would work better.

Durango said...

Yes, Gar, you are. Twisted I mean.

Anonymous said...

The letter to the editor is excellent. Who would enforce the religious laws saying no athiest messages? Government? Don't we have an ammendment to the constitution about that particular thing?

Gar said...

Could you please ask Anonymous for clarification.

I read it three times. Unless I throw in a "holy" helping full of sarcasm, it makes me a bit nauseous. Even with the sarcasm it makes me dizzy.

You could at least answer their questions.

Durango said...

Gar, I was also confused by Anonymous. I did not know what to make of it. Was it sarcasm. Was it idiocy? I did not know. So, I hit the publish button and ignored it. Til you made me address the issue. Right now I'm opting for the option that Anonymous was/is pretty much in the idiot category.

Anonymous said...

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More in depth results can be seen at: