Friday, April 10, 2009

Celestial Sighting in the Tandy Hills?

I'm happy to report that the hazy, smelly wildfire sky has cleared up and Texas is back smelling good and looking purty as the wildflowers brighten the landscape, except in those unfortunate zones where they got toasted black by a raging wildfire.

It was a bit breezy at noon at the Tandy Hills. That strong breeze had blown yesterday's dark haze somewhere other than here.

When I was last at the Tandy Hills I reported on my frustrating inability to find one of the supposedly ubiquitous celestial wildflowers.

Today, I think I may have found one. It sort of looks like the wildflower that Don Young identified as a celestial. I await confirmation.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Mr. Durango. Go in the morning and the Celestials will look a lot fresher than this wind blown specimen.
